"瓦基姆·佩德罗·德·安德拉德" 共找到影视: 14 部
阿利雅迪尼奥 1


  这是关于巴西历史上最伟大的艺术家之一,安东尼奥·弗朗西斯科·葡京(Antonio Francisco Lisboa)和阿利雅迪尼奥(Aleijadinho)的一篇短文。Aleijadinho是巴西巴洛克时期的重要代表人物,他以在米纳斯吉拉斯的许多历史教堂和其他建筑遗迹的肥皂石上创作的艺术雕塑和人物而闻名。

巴西利亚,一座城市的困惑 3


  Images of Brasilia in its sixth year and interviews with different categories of people living in the capital. One question structures the documentary: could a fully planned city, created in the name of national development and the democratization of society, reproduce the inequalities and oppression that exist in other regions of the country

城堡诗人 1


阿皮普库斯的大师 2


  Documentary about influential Brazilian sociologist Gilberto Freyre, made in his country house in Apipucos, Pernambuco (Northeast Brazil).

说服之语 3


  Short documentary about the ideology of publicity and mass medias.

夫妻斗争 4



巴西树人 6


  Fantasy comedy about Brazilian writer Oswald de Andrade, one of the most important icons of Modernism in Brazil. In the film, Oswald is played by two actors: ítala Nandi, as his feminine anima, and Flávio Galvo, as the masculine half

密谋者 5


  In 1972, Brazil was in the darkest days of the military dictatorship that had seized power eight years before. Working for Italian television, de Andrade embarked on a re-creation of the Inconfidencia Mineira, the Mineiran Conspiracy, fledgling groups of rebels based in Minas Gerais in the late 18th century who questioned Portuguese colonial authority. The film alternates betwe...

神父与女孩 3


即兴与目的 10


  German documentary for TV about the "Cinema Novo" movement (Brazilian New Wave). Director Joaquim Pedro de Andrade focuses on six Cinema Novo filmmakers working in Rio in 1967: Leon Hirszman preparing the script with poet/writer Vinicius de Moraes for "Garota de Ipanema" (1967); Glauber Rocha shooting "Terra em Transe" (1967); Arnaldo Jabor editing "A ...

加林查 9


  纪录片关于巴西足球天才 - 加林查. 63年柏林电影节金熊奖提名.
  Documentary about the most famous dribbler in Brazilian Soccer (some say in Soccer's history!) at the zenith of his career, showing classic scenes of 1958 and 1962 World Cup. Garrincha (1933-1983) was a very original and talented player, having curved legs. Women and alcohol were his passion, and the cause of his later decadence. After a glorio...

巴西新浪潮电影 6


  Cinema Novo is a movie-essay that investigates poetically the most important movement of Latin America cinema, through the thoughts of its main auteurs: Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Glauber Rocha, Leon Hirszman, Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, Ruy ...

丛林怪兽 1


  Our story begins with Macunaima's miraculous birth to an old woman in a tiny jungle settlement. Born full grown, he discovers his life's purpose which leads him and his family/followers on a journey to the Big City. On the way, more miracles occur, but Macunaima still has the heart and mind of a child. In the Big City, he is co-opted by terrorists who enlist him in their revolu...

贫民区的五个故事 6


  《Cinco vezes Favela》是巴西新电影时期最重要的一部集锦片,正如《海底的珍珠》于捷克新浪潮,或《联华交响曲》于三十年代的上海影坛一样。由五位新浪潮导演各自执导一部讲述发生在里约贫民区的短篇故事,其中既有成年人的彷徨,也有孩子们的清新,摄影和镜头语言沿袭前辈纳尔逊-佩雷拉-多斯桑托斯在《里约40度》里的新写实主义风格,音乐上采用当时流行的BOSSANOVA、SAMBA等怀旧曲风,是对60年代初里约大都市繁华与贫穷共存的社会景象的真实写照。
  Runtime: 92 min
  Country: Brazil
  Language: Portuguese
  Color: Black and White
  Sound Mix: Mono
  Plot Outline:
  Five segments about the hardships faced by pe...