"皮埃尔·克里蒙地" 共找到影视: 44 部
波西塔诺 7


  Positano is an island of the Amalfi Coast that Neptune would have, according to legend, created for the love of a nymph. And it is of love that this film speaks above all, a total and solar love in which family and friends are seized in the same poetic field. Perched on the rocks of the island, the house of Frédéric Pardo and Tina Aumont became in 1968 a meeting place for the u...

Massacres 10


拉米埃尔 8


反黑突击队 8


魔岛魅影 1


阿姆的儿子死了 2


  Pierre, a young man of Brussels, has lost his job. Unbeknowst to Barbara, the woman he lives with, he has become a pickpocket to survive. He works in partnership with a young Tunisian immigrant he meets every Sunday in an abandoned bus where they share the loot of the week. One day, Pierre finds his accomplice dead in their hiding place. Pierre suddenly realizes that he does no...

黑桃杰克 1


他的光辉岁月 3



Ledésordreavingtans 5


第二个女人 2


  A series of intimate diaries, starting from daily encounters. We experience Bulle Ogier and Viva, Nico and Tina Aumont, Philippe Garrel and Udo Kier, a performance by Béjart, a piece by Marc'O, concerts by Bob Marley and Patti Smith. It's like a maelstrom of psychedelic images that are passed through a particle accelerator.

红告示 9


  1943年11月中旬,纳粹占领下的法国,Missak Manouchian 领导的抵抗小组的23名成员被捕,这些人大多是***员。1944年2月21日,纳粹杀害了其中22人,1944年5月10日其中一名女子被纳粹斩首。事后,纳粹印制了15000份的红色海报到处张贴,称他们为红色恐怖分子....

巴黎不见了 10


  Before Le Pont du Nord Rivette films Paris s'en va, a short film of approximately 25 minutes. He works with the same actors and the same technical team on both films. Henry Chapier who produced the short: "At the beginning of the '80s nobody was interested in Rivette's highly imaginative project Le Pont du Nord. Therefore Rivette came up with a kind of 'transposition' of the th...

电影或第X号审查证 6
