"盖维拉·赫尔纳迪" 共找到影视: 24 部
欧米茄,欧米茄,欧米茄 1



艾德那小子吃了我的中饭 2


上帝退行 6


时光机器——莫哈奇之战 3


  Kapa and Pepe are running to Mohács with a time machine. They want to scare sultan Suleiman with tricks and magic and they are having him sign a paper that he had never been here. So the Hungarian empire grows big, people are talking Hungarian even in Afrika too. Everything can happen here King Lajos's cut-off head is laughing in the face of Suleiman, there's no bigger power t...

新匈牙利狂想曲 4


  "Régi ismerseink: Kapa, Pepe és felesége, Emese újabb viharos kalandjai. Minden bonyodalom megtalálható: grófnál nevelkedett elcserélt zabigyerek, mérgez vadalma, nem oda Buda, a nagytatának rengeteg hamis pénze van, az rkséget lenyúlni nagyon nehéz, a halottak énekszóra feltámadnak, a gazembert fojtogatják. és az egészet tágra nyílt szemekkel bámulja a Szabadság-szobor. Má...

技巧与礼仪 5


九个月的爱情 10


  Juli moves to the big city in order to take up a job in a factory, and on the very same day the foreman János asks her to marry him. Alas, communication between the two is rough going from the very start – their visions of how life together is supposed to look divide them. János can’t find it in his heart to accept Juli’s yearning for independence or her past. In raw images tha...

快板巴巴罗 1


  "The story of Istvan (Gyorgy Cserhalmi) which began in the first film of a projected trilogy by director Miklos Jancso, Magyar Rapszodia, is continued here in Allegro Barbaro. The trilogy was intended to tell the story of Hungary from 1900 to shortly after World War II. The first film ended shortly after the conclusion of World War I, as Istvan was beginning to rethink his alle...

闪耀之风 5


  第21届戛纳电影节(1968)  金棕榈奖(入围)  米克洛斯·杨索

TheEnfolding 7


Klcsnkapottid 9


Vasárnap 9


蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲 5


  Year : 1991
  Country : Hungary
  Genre : Drama
  Length : 1:29
  Directed by : Miklós Jancsó
  Starring : Gyrgy Cherhalmi, Jozsef Madarash, Ildiko Banshagi, Dorothy Udvarosh, András Kozak, Lajos Balazhovich, Istvan Kovacs.
  Description : Frankly, that I myself this film is not looking. plot is tied around the assassination of the Prime Minister. Interestingly, the movie websites "waltz"...

暴君的心(薄伽丘在匈牙利) 7


  It is the 15th c. in Hungary. And young prince Gaspar (Laszlo Galffy) was sent off to Italy when he was just two years old, and now he has come back to his father's castle as a grown man, with a troupe of actors in tow. Once arrived at the castle, he discovers his mother is in a kind of trance state, reportedly drinking the blood of virgins to keep her forever young (just like ...