"穆罕默德·阿里" 共找到影视: 36 部
FightthePowerHowHipHopChangedtheWorldSeason1 10


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2023  

  The beats that broke new ground. How hip hop emerged from underground New York into a global force for change and empowerment - as told by icons Chuck D, Ice-T, Run DMC and more.

1970年至1991年的回忆第一季 4


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1991  

  22 one-hour programs giving a truly balanced and entertaining perspective of the most exciting, topical and human interest events of 1970 to 1991. There's something for everybody! The politics, fashions, music, stars, personalities, conflicts and the disasters which touched all our lives.
  1. 1970
  Troops shoot students at Kent State. First 'Jumbo' lands at Heathrow. Edward Heath...

牙擦拳王 1


马尔科姆·艾克斯 6


  James Earl Jones narrates this fascinating and moving documentary molikan.com about the life of the assassinated black leader through various sources.

BlackRodeo 6


斗士阿里 8


  Ali the Fighter was made in 1975, when the Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight was still fresh in everyone's minds. Filmmaker William Greaves frames Ali's rise to glory, beginning with his "Cassius Clay" days back in Louisville.

高傲:威利·T·里布斯的故事 1


  An in-depth profile of the life and career of Willy T. Ribbs - the controversial Black driver who shattered the color barrier of professional auto-racing and became the first Black qualifier in the storied history of the Indy 500.

TheFighters 9


迪恩·马丁名流吐槽大会:迪恩·马丁 1


  Don Rickles serves as roastmaster for Dean Martin's own roast. Also featured are Foster Brooks, Ruth Buzzi, Bob Hope and many other comedy legends.

金钱万能 10


  From Allen Funt, the creator of TV's "Candid Camera." The hidden camera is pointed at people dealing with money in all sorts of human and, often, hilarious circumstances.

穆罕默德·阿里 8


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2021  

  An in-depth look at the life of boxer, Muhammad Ali, including his years as an activist and philanthropist.

面孔:20世纪传奇人物 2


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2019  


生死之交:马尔科姆·X与拳王阿里 1


  在关键的三年里,拳王阿里与马尔科姆·X 结下了兄弟情谊,这不仅改变了两人,也改变了世界。《结拜兄弟:拳王阿里与马尔科姆·X》讲述了 20 世纪两位标志性人物从结缘到最终决裂的往事。很少有人能理解两人之间的这份情谊。在这部由制片人肯尼亚·巴里斯打造的全新长篇纪录片中,导演马库斯·A·克拉克提供了一个新鲜视角,通过知情人士的采访和未公开镜头来描绘这种复杂的友谊,带领观众深入了解这两位并驾齐驱的传奇人物:他们一位是魅力四射、为人直率的奥运冠军,举国都为之倾倒;一位从前科犯变为知识分子革命家,并勇于谴责压迫。通过采访与他们最亲近的人(马尔科姆·X 的女儿伊利亚莎·沙巴兹、阿里的兄弟拉曼和女儿玛丽尤姆和哈娜)以及康乃尔·韦斯特和阿尔·夏普顿等文化名人,这部电影讲述了他们的相遇、结缘以及最终因“伊斯兰民族”领导层的不和而闹翻的过程。该电影改编自兰迪·罗伯茨和约翰...

日落大道!好莱坞故事 6


  Dickson Hughes and Richard Stapley, two young songwriters and romantic partners, find themselves caught in movie star Gloria Swanson's web when she hires them to write a musical version of "Sunset Boulevard."