"罗伯特·斯通" 共找到影视: 9 部
美国历史第三季 5


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1990  

Drug-TakingandtheArts 4


  • 最新更新
  • 1993  

比基尼电台 6


  It starts with a live radio broadcast from the Bikini Atoll a few days before it is annihilated by a nuclear test. Shows great footage from these times and tells the story of the US Navy Sailors who were exposed to radioactive fallout. One interviewed sailor suffered grotesquely swollen limbs and he is shown being interviewed with enormous left arm and hand.

逐月 3


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2019  

  An unprecedented look at the decade-long odyssey to land a man on the moon that pulls back the curtain on the familiar narrative of the moonshot that we think we know, revealing a fascinating stew of scientific innovation, political calculation, media spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama.

美国经验:追逐月球 9


  “Chasing the Moon,” a film by Robert Stone, reimagines the race to the moon for a new generation, upending much of the conventional mythology surrounding the effort. The series recasts the Space Age as a fascinating stew of scientific innovation, political calculation, media spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama. Utilizing a visual feast of previously overlooked and ...

伯克利的游击队 3


  Guerrilla(游击队): The Taking of Patty Hearst》(2004)。这里所说的“游击队”,并非拾垃圾或乞讨大军,而是荷枪实弹与**对垒的真正的“游击队”(Guerrilla),且不在山间,转战都市。这个革命激进组织,名“SLA” (Symbionese Liberation Army/共生解放军) ,产生于1960到1970年代间美国反越战运动和民权运动,灵感来自共产政权和南美革命(古巴/卡斯特罗,智利/阿连德——尽管被美国支持的皮诺切特势力杀害,还有一代青年的偶像:切·格瓦拉),立足加州湾区——伯克利和旧金山,成员有不甘被压迫的黑人,前越战老兵和激进的来自中产阶级家庭的大学学生,他们同情穷人和弱势群体,主张为他们争取权利;但也因主张暴力革命而有过激行为,大量购买武器,制造炸弹,杀过两人(一位黑人校长和一位白人家庭主妇...

DamascusGate 5


JFK:TheLostBullet 1


  They are among the most infamous home movies ever made, capturing an event that changed history. But do these humble 8-millimeter films reveal the whole story of John F. Kennedy's assassination
  National Geographic reveals these home movies as never before, restored to a state more pristine than the day they were exposed to the Dallas sunshine of November 22, 1963. Join a team ...

谁能让雨停住 6


  故事发生在美国加利福尼亚州,雷(尼克·诺特 Nick Nolte 饰)刚刚走下战场,回到久违的家中,准备迎接珍贵的平静生活。在战场上,他结识了名为约翰(迈克尔·莫里亚蒂 Michael Moriarty 饰)的年轻士兵,枪林弹雨中,两位生死之交结下了深厚的友谊。
  退伍之后的生活并不如雷所想象的那么美好,很快,囊状羞涩的现状便让他陷入了水深火热之中。就在此时,约翰找到了他,说有一笔大买卖能让他们赚得盆满钵满,经不住约翰的游说和金钱的诱惑,雷开始和约翰一同干起了走私***的勾当。没想到,一场意外让雷和约翰惹上了杀身之祸,约翰选择了一走了之,留下了妻子麦琪(塔斯黛·韦尔德 Tuesday Weld 饰)和雷一同面临穷凶极恶的凶徒。