"罗宾·威廉姆斯" 共找到影视: 82 部
1999第56届金球奖颁奖典礼 5


  The 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards give out prestigious awards to some of America's favorite entertainers in film and television!

伊曼纽尔的天赋 2


  If you are born disabled in Ghana, West Africa you are likely to be poisoned, or left to die by your family; and if you are not poisoned or left for dead, you're likely to be hidden away in a room; and if you're not hidden, you are destined to spend your lifetime begging on the streets. Of the twenty million people in Ghana, two million are disabled. This is the story of one di...

罗宾·威廉姆斯:不着边际 8


  It is impossible not to laugh out loud at this extremely enjoyable, fast-paced barrage of Robin Williams live at the ROXY, New York. A master of improvisation, leading a cavalcade of zany characters storming a crowd of stunned onlookers in one of the most revolutionary and energetic stand-up acts of all time. This is a rare glimpse of the exceptional genius and eccentric madnes...

3StillStanding 1


  Three stand-up comedians seek fame and fortune in the hottest comedy scene in the world: San Francisco in the 1980s. There they meet rising stars Robin Williams and Dana Carvey. Success, it seems, is just one good stand-up performance away. Soon, Will Durst, Larry 'Bubbles' Brown and Johnny Steele are being courted by agents and studios. We follow them on a 30-year journey that...

把握今朝 3


  Tommy Wilhelm (Robin Williams) is a salesman. An honest, hard-working guy who has lost his job, his girlfriend, and left part of his sanity behind as he heads to New York to pick up the pieces of his life. He’s always been able to sell, but caught in a downward spiral, he must, in addition, face the father who never really understood him while trying to balance his newly precar...

PortraitofaWhiteMarriage 2


自由:美国通史 7


  • 已更新至16集
  • 2003  


路易不容易第三季 7


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2012  

  Louis C.K. as a newly meijubar.net divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a half-hour production.
  The series will be loosely based on C.K.'s life, and will blend his stand-up material with extended autobiographical comedy short films depicting moments of his off-stage experiences.

疯人疯语 5


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2013  

  单镜头情景喜剧。David E. Kelley打造,著名影星Robin Williams(罗宾·威廉姆斯)主演。该项目去年八月就被CBS买下,但直到现在才正式成为试映集。Robin Williams不仅在电影界口碑极佳,在电视喜剧界也颇有建树。事实上当代多镜头情景喜剧的拍摄模式就是他上次主演的电视喜剧《Mork & Mindy》缔造的——在那部喜剧之前,多镜头情景喜剧一般采用三台固定摄像机进行拍摄。那部剧集为改善镜头效果增加了第四台摄像机,其他剧组纷纷效仿并沿用至今。在《Crazy Ones》中,Robin Williams扮演聪明的广告经理人Simon Roberts,与女儿Sydney(Sarah Michelle Gellar)在一起工作。他和同事共同创办了「Lewis, Roberts & Roberts」广告公司,并担任公司的负责人。Jam...

神话剧场第一季 7


  • 已更新至2集
  • 1982  

  1----------The Tale of the Frog Prince (青蛙王子)
  2----------Rumpelstilskin (纺线姑娘)
  3----------Rapunzel (辫子姑娘)
  4----------The Nightingale (夜莺)
  5----------Sleeping Beauty (睡美人)
  6----------Jack and the Beanstalk (杰可和豆茎)
  7----------Little Red Riding Hood (小红帽)
  8----------Hansel and Gretel (糖果屋)
  9----------Goldilocks and the Three Bears ...

情理法的春天第二季 3


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1994  


犬友笑传第二季 2


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2012  

  其他人看到的Wilfred meijubar.net是一条普通的宠物狗,然而Ryan眼里的Wilfred是一个粗鲁但真诚、勇敢的澳洲小伙子,他总穿着一件有狗耳朵的毛绒戏服。Ryan的世界是严重混乱的,Wilfred用自己方式教会他如何克服对外界的恐惧,融入正常人的生活,同时保有最纯真的那个Ryan。这个过程会有艰辛,也会有各种意外的惊喜喔。