"罗曼·波兰斯基" 共找到影视: 81 部
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  • 2014  

FranoiseDorléac,unepromesse 9


一个求生故事:《钢琴家》幕后 7


  This featurette from Universal Studios Home Video, which initially appeared on the 2003 Universal's 'The Pianist' DVD, contains interviews w ith the filmmakers and cast members on the set of The Pianist. We hear from producer/director Roman Polanski, co-producer Gene Gutowski, producer Robert Benmussa, screenwriter Ronald Harwood, production designer Allan Starski, costume desi...

HughHefner:TheBigBunny 2


  A film that deconstructs the mythology surrounding Playboy magazine and its publisher, Hugh Hefner.

连环杀手:犯罪心理剖析 2


  Former FBI agent John Douglas, the inventor of criminal profiling, leads a journey into the minds of the 20th Century's most notorious killers, including Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffrey Dahmer.

VascoRossi:GliAngeli 5


Aimez-vouslesfemmes 7


  Description: While visiting a vegetarian restaurant, a young writer finds a corpse in the restroom. When he returns with the police, the body is gone. The writer is left with the unlucky fellow's hat - which leads a certain beautiful woman to believe that his identity is the same as the dead man's.
  Not only is his life now at risk, but things get increasingly bizarre as he meet...

Coreknezena 10


财神万岁 9


  Sir Guy Grand adopts homeless bum Youngman to be heir to his obscene wealth, and immediately begins bringing him into the intricacies of the family business, which is to prey upon people's greed by use of the vast holdings of the Grand empire. They leave no stone unturned as sporting events, restaurants, art galleries, and traditional pheasant hunts turn into lurid displays of ...

草上行舟 7


十二大导短片珍藏集 7


  A journey through time, a true testimony on twelve of the greatest directors of contemporary cinema. This unprecedented selection of short films is a formidable tool for understanding their work. With 3 hours of exclusive interviews as a bonus, discover how these great directors look back on their first steps.

海滩一日 4


  It's amazing to have finally seen this lost film. Poor Mark Burns died this year without ever having seen the finished film! Why was it lost It's quite good but I can understand that even if this film had a normal release in cinemas it would not have been a hit. It's too sad and tragic. The performances are great, tho. Mark Burns plays a sensitive soul who loves his daughter b...

ParisiennePeoplebyRomanPolanski 4


  As distorted piano music plays in the background, a Nosferatu-like vampire pounces on a sleeping woman and feeds. In his post-feeding daze, he is wavering towards the fireplace and lights a Parisienne cigarette to recover from his high.

冠军周末 2


  In 1971, Motor Racing fan Roman Polanski spent a weekend with world champion driver Jackie Stewart as he attempted to win the Monaco Grand Prix. Polanski was given intimate access to Stewart’s world for three days, both on the track and off. The result is an extraordinarily rare glimpse into the life of a gifted athlete at the height of his powers.
  Forty years on, Polanski and ...

奥斯卡配乐大师:亚历山大戴斯培 9


  連獲兩屆奧斯卡最佳原創音樂獎的亞歷山大戴斯培(Alexandre Desplat),是叱吒全球影壇的電影配樂傳奇。憑藉精湛的古典交響樂學養、幻化多端的音樂風格,諸如優雅迂迴的《色,戒》或詭奇怪美的《水底情深》,戴斯培皆能信手拈來。多位大腕名導如羅曼波蘭斯基、賈克歐迪亞、李安都爭相與他合作。質量俱豐的他,已然得以和喬治德勒呂(Georges Delerue)、安東尼杜哈梅爾(Antoine Duhamel)、莫里斯賈爾(Maurice Jarre)等大師並列,深受世人推崇。