"罗伯特·A·施特姆勒" 共找到影视: 39 部
DieGruftmitdemRtselschlo 1


  Mobsters conspire to loot another criminal's treasure secured in an enormous booby-trapped vault

SüdlicheNchte 6


伦敦的刽子手 6


Abbiamovinto! 7


AffaireBlum 1


WegeimZwielicht 2


你不能再沉默 7


  Katanes is a small fishing village on the north coast of Iceland where the fisherman Halldór Bessason (Wilhelm Borchert) has bought himself a farm and plans to marry Salvr (Heidemarie Hatheyer), the former owner's daughter. He also wants to provide a prosperous future for the remote village, as he plans to build a large port in the bay. One day, however, he shipwrecks and is w...

GestehenSie,Dr.Corda 6


JonsundErdme 8


  Auf dem Land ist nicht immer alles eitel Sonnenschein, wie es den Stadtbewohnern vorkommt, wenn er an seinen freien Tagen mal dazu kommt, sich hierher zu begeben. Auch in dieser beschaulichen Kulisse von schner Landschaft und unberührter Natur spielen sich groe Dramen ab. Da geht es ebenso um Eifersucht und Leidenschaft, wie es Berlin oder München. Auch in unseren Nachbarlnd...

罪恶边界 5


托茜 6



奥普利德的秘密 8


MeineHerrenShne 8


奇怪的女伯爵 1


  The Weird Countess can easily stand in line with the best film noir masterpieces. It builds a nightmarish mood up to the point when the viewer is sickened by not knowing what exactly is going on. It's structurally very well crafted and employs some very good actors - such as the legends of German cinema Marianne Hoppe and Lil Dagover, breathtakingly beautiful at 74. There's als...

贼状元 6


  When a franchise has reached a certain point, it has to decide whether to reinvent itself or start all over again. The latter is exactly the case with The Testament of Dr. Mabuse, thirty years after Lang’s original. The usual line is to say that it is not up to Lang’s original, but that might make us miss something. Examined on its own, the film is a formulaic, though competen...