"艾莉森·斯戴曼" 共找到影视: 38 部
补丁儿第一季 5


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2024  

  在一座名为格鲁伯斯鲁宾(Grubbers Nubbin)的小镇上,人们的胆子都很大。因为在小镇附近的一座山上有一个可怕的古堡。古堡里头住着一位疯狂的科学家,他遵循着祖辈留下来的希望要制造出一个最最可怕的怪物。所以,他不断地造啊造啊……古堡渐渐挤满了各种怪物,但是这个疯狂的科学家仍不满足,怪物计划仍在继续着。补丁儿(Stitch Head)就是其中的一个也是最早的一个发明产物。他有着一副人类的外观只是比普通人要小上不少,而且他的脑壳上还打满了补丁。他的职责就是保护教授的其他创造物免受格鲁伯斯鲁宾镇居民的伤害。

TheWimbledonPoisoner 9


  • 已更新至2集
  • 1994  

  Henry Farr is a mild-mannered solicitor (lawyer) who lives a rather boring life in the London suburb of Wimbledon. Fed up with being bullied by his overpowering, feminist wife, Elinor, he decides that the only way to solve his problem is to murder her. But his attempts to poison her go dramatically wrong.

NewsHounds 1


  • 最新更新
  • 1990  

苦役 6


  Mrs. Thornley (Liz Smith) leads a rather miserable existence in Salford. She lives with her husband, Jim (Clifford Kershaw), a night custodian at a toy factory, and their grown daughter, Ann (Polly Hemingway). Mrs. Thornley is a maid who works for an imperious upper-middle class woman, Mrs. Stone (Vanessa Harris). Between her work and her home life, it seems like Mrs. Thornley ...

英国名导短片集 1


  01.《一个女孩的故事》 About a Girl - 布莱恩·帕西沃 Brian Percival
  02.《男孩和自行车的故事》 Boy & Bicycle - 雷德利·斯科特 Ridley Scott
  03.《亲爱的电话》 Dear Phone - 彼得·格林纳威 Peter Gre enaway
  04.《蚁蛉》 Doodlebug - 克里斯托弗·诺兰 Christopher Nolan ...

工具人第三季 3


  • 已更新至9集
  • 2014  

废柴上路 8


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2022  

爱情与婚姻 9


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2013  

  Love and Marriage is a British comedy-drama series which started broadcasting on ITV since 5 June 2013. It stars Alison Steadman as Pauline Paradise a recently retired lollipop lady who after the death of her father Frank (David Ryall) decides to leave her family and goes to live with her sister.

暴力辛迪加第二季 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2013  

  Kay Mellor drama following a group of hospital workers whose lives are turned upside down when they jointly win the lottery.

芬妮希尔 6


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2007  

  英国BBC台出品的最新短剧《Fanny Hill》根据John Cleland同名经典小说Fanny Hill改编的两段式单本剧。故事伊始,Fanny只是一个穷困的乡下女孩, 迫于生计离开家乡来到了城市,并很快沦落于烟花流巷。但在她彻底踏上这条不归路之前,她曾与一位叫C harles的青年陷入热恋,无奈Charles被他父亲送往他乡,Fanny只得独自留下,并为了生存而开始寻找更加富有、更有势力的依附者。与传统小说中的prostitution不同,尽管Fanny知道自己是在被人利用,但却并不以为耻,反倒貌似enjoy这种腐败生活。
  John Cleland于1748年创作的Fanny Hill被认为是英国文学史上第一部真正意义的情色小说作品,作品最初发表时并未受到太多质疑,或者说是未受到太多人关注。但在次年John和他的出版商便因有伤风化而被捕入狱,...

歌唱神探 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1986  

  Tormented and bedridden by a debilitating disease, a mystery writer relives his detective stories through his imagination and hallucinations.

PetePostlethwaite:ATribute 7


  A tribute to the Oscar-nominated British actor Pete Postlethwaite who died on 2 January 2011 following a lengthy illness. Includes interviews and clips with fellow actors and directors.
  The 64-year-old, who was made an OBE in 2004, was once described by director Steven Spielberg as "probably the best actor in the world today". In response, the craggy-faced star, who worked with...

短发和卷发 6



无妄之灾 6


  Marple is invited to the wedding of a friend, but the gaieties are interrupted when a stranger arrives; he provides the missing evidence which proves that the black sheep of the family, Jacko, was wrongfully hanged for murder. This raises the question of who in the household did kill the cold-hearted mistress of the house two years previously. As usual, Miss Marple is needed to...