"莫兰·罗森布拉特" 共找到影视: 5 部
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  • 最新更新
  • 2019  

  The Israeli series starts with a bang, with an explosion catapulting the audience into the lives of three suspects believed to have blown up an Israeli-Turkish oil pipeline on the day it opened. The attack has consequences at the highest political levels, but it also sends th...

Ha'NefeshHa'Tova 2


  Sharon (Moran Rosenblatt), a dedicated and ambitious art-house film producer from Tel Aviv is on the brink of bankruptcy when she gets an opportunity to save her professional future and her sense of self-worth. She is asked to collaborate with Uzi Silver (Rami Hoiberger), a revered former director, who has turned to religion and become a rabbi...and who now wants to make his co...

在爆炸前吻我 9


  爱情从来本应只是两个人的事,但当一段感情要开开心心长流不息,最终注定还是要看双方家长面色。来自德国的Maria 与犹太裔恋人Shira 甜蜜幸福,相恋不久已决定长相厮守。当Maria 来到以色列与Shira 共聚,才发现文化冲突水土不服令她无所适…

性没有明天 7


  A night of excess reveals the monsters in your head...and in your bed. Guy 28 and his best friend Joy 31 are enjoying the gay pride parade to the fullest, when their bliss is abruptly put to an end by a deadly shooting. Fleeing the scene into the safety of Guy’s home, they take in a fellow pride parader, Dan, who seems in shock. With the shooter still on the run, they enter a n...

雨中的蜗牛 10


  1989年的特拉维夫,年轻大学生博阿兹(约夫·卢温 Yoav Reuveni 饰)刚退伍,在大学修读语言专业,有个漂亮的女友诺亚(Yehuda Nahari 饰)。他每天会打开信箱查看奖学金的消息,某天却在信箱里发现了一封匿名信:“亲爱的博阿兹,请不要问我是谁或怎么认识你的,我无时无刻不想着你,尽管我们都是男人。坐在桌前偷偷给你写这封信让我觉得羞愧,但我实在缺乏更多的勇气...”博阿兹认定这是恶作剧将信揉成了一团,然而读信的那刻他却难以解释的脸红心跳。更多的匿名情书搅乱了他的内心平静。他恚怒的想找出那个爱慕者来,为此他开始回顾自己的过去、在军队服役时的情景。随着越来越多的探访和求证,他惊讶发现原来自己的内心竟然潜伏着同样的欲望......
  《雨中的蜗牛》是以色列导演亚里夫·莫泽(Yariv Mozer)第一部剧情长片,电影根据1995年希伯来语小说《...