"贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇" 共找到影视: 61 部
作者笔记 7


告别恩里科·贝林格 2


  Documentario girato durante i funerali, svoltisi a Roma, di Enrico Berlinguer, segretario del Partito Comunista Italiano.

Cinecittà-ImestieridelcinemaBernardoBertolucci:NoEndTravelling 5


  The last interview of Bernardo Bertolucci who recalls his work and philosophy.

艺术家的考验 7


AlfredoBini,ospiteinatteso 6


  The movie is shot almost like a mystery: through the testimony of actors, directors and friends, what is revealed is the human energy and the life of one of our most courageous and liberated producers. The intention is to go "beyond" the traditional biographical documentary, constructing the account in a composite style, which mixes unusual "offstage" inserts with more traditio...

Pasolini,lapassiondeRome 8


  Pour Pasolini, Rome n’a pas été un décor ni un simple lieu de vie. Rome a eu une existence physique, charnelle et passionnelle, pour l’homme et pour le poète.

PierPaoloPasolinielaragionediunsogno 6


  France, Italie - 2001 - 93’
  La confrontation des pensées et des impressions du scandaleux artiste italien aux réalités de la société contemporaine.

你知我几何 6


  Until the 1970s, Italian cinema dominated the international scene, even competing with Hollywood. Then, in just a few years, came its rapid decline, the flight of our greatest producers, a crisis among the best writer-directors, the collapse of production. But what are the true causes and circumstances of this decline In an attempt to provide an answer to this question, Di Me ...

Ballatadaunmiliardo 4


LaveravitadiAntonioH. 2


  Antonio Hutter (Haber's alter ego) is on a stage and recalls his life dominated by his only great wish:to be an actor. So he tells about his childhood in Israel, his youth in Verona, his first roles in Franco Rossi's Eneide Taviani's Sotto il segno dello scorpione, his encounter with Orson Welles (never happened in reality), a role in Bertolucci's Il Conformista, later cut in t...

小活佛 3


  两位来自不丹的高僧千里迢迢来到西雅图,寻找他们一位先师的转世灵童,他们找到了九岁的小男孩杰西(阿历克斯·文森丹吉 Alex Wiesendange 饰),希望带他回寺庙接受验证。杰西的父母答应带儿子远赴不丹,在和喇嘛的相处中,他们断断续续讲述了一个引人入胜的故事,从佛祖释迦牟尼还是迦毗罗卫国太子悉达多(基努·里维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰)的时候开始说起,他如何一路看尽万众苦难,最终舍弃太子身份和富贵生活,修行得道成佛的经过。从西方到东方,从一个故事到另一个故事,九岁的杰克人生也就此发生改变……

石油之路 1


  • 已更新至3集
  • 1997  


贝托鲁奇 7



黑泽明的道路 5


  A documentary with a new approach to Kurosawa through the testimonies of 11 world-famous filmmakers. A demonstration of the universal achievement he left in the history of world movie.
  Director Catherine Cadou
  French-English-Japanese interpreter and translator. Specialized in the interpretation of japanese filmmakers since her first work assignment with Aki...