"赫克托·艾利威尔" 共找到影视: 12 部
SexAnalysis 8


外科医生 8



你将在阴影中 8


  A computer programmer who, after his train breaks down, takes to wandering aimlessly through remote regions of La Pampa, Viedma and Carhue. he meets a succession of equally lost souls, including a globe-trotting gambler, a circus owner whose performers left him "because the whole country was a circus: and a tarot card reader with large gaps in her knowledge of the future.

阿妈 8


  La Nona (Pepe Soriano) is 100 years old and lives in the midst of her poor Argentine family, eating them out of house and home. The desperate family members try every means they can think of to appease her appetite, including sending even the most poorly skilled out to work. In this black comedy, when they deposit her at the door of an old-age home, like some unwanted child, sh...

我先 7


  A charming racecar driver is visited by his 20-year-old son who is nothing like his father. Solemn and introverted, the boy is shown the ways of sensual pleasure by his father's mistress, but he falls in love with another young woman. Intending to marry the girl, the young man takes the relationship very seriously. His father, however, believes the ...

壁画 9


  While in Argentina, renowned Mexican muralist David Siqueiros paints the mural "Ejercicio plástico" at the country home of newspaper owner Natalio Botana. Set in the 1930's, this lovely historical reconstruction serves as a testament to the creation of a masterpiece, while depicting the controversial private and public events that shaped its materialization. A complex storyline...

Argentinísima 7


  费尔南多.阿亚拉和赫克托.奥里维拉同样都是阿根廷最重要的电影导演, 虽然他们不属于新浪潮, 但却是前辈级人物, 阿亚拉还一直担任阿根廷电影导演协会的会长. 由于他们经常合作导演电影, 又一起创建了阿根廷最著名的电影公司"Aries Cinematografica", 所以很多人称他们是"最佳搭挡", 而他们在1972年到73年合作拍摄的二部半纪录半音乐形式影片《阿根廷精神I》和《阿根廷精神II》是他们合作的最好作品, 至今还被很多影迷认为是阿根廷电影史上最经典的音乐纪录片, 这两部影片在形式上是一种创新, 影片结合了纪录片的拍摄手法, 音乐剧, 舞台剧, 舞蹈, 以及访谈录等多种创作模式, 第一部主要纪录了当时的阿根廷边远小城和农村人民生活的现状, 他们的民族音乐, 舞蹈和文化等, 第一部则是纪录大城市里居民的生活以及他们同样喜爱个擅长的音乐, 艺术...

ArgentinísimaII 5


  费尔南多.阿亚拉和赫克托.奥里维拉同样都是阿根廷最重要的电影导演, 虽然他们不属于新浪潮, 但却是前辈级人物, 阿亚拉还一直担任阿根廷电影导演协会的会长. 由于他们经常合作导演电影, 又一起创建了阿根廷最著名的电影公司"Aries Cinematografica", 所以很多人称他们是"最佳搭挡", 而他们在1972年到73年合作拍摄的二部半纪录半音乐形式影片《阿根廷精神I》和《阿根廷精神II》是他们合作的最好作品, 至今还被很多影迷认为是阿根廷电影史上最经典的音乐纪录片, 这两部影片在形式上是一种创新, 影片结合了纪录片的拍摄手法, 音乐剧, 舞台剧, 舞蹈, 以及访谈录等多种创作模式, 第一部主要纪录了当时的阿根廷边远小城和农村人民生活的现状, 他们的民族音乐, 舞蹈和文化等, 第一部则是纪录大城市里居民的生活以及他们同样喜爱个擅长的音乐, 艺术...

TheNeurotics 3


Elvisitante 6


铅笔之夜 10


  This films tells the true story of seven teenagers who agitated for reduced student bus fares under two different regimes in Argentina, with tragic results. At first succeeding under the government of Isabel Peron, their protests draw hostile attention from the military regime that overthrows Peron. The ensuing crackdown on student social activists is demonstrated when police b...

肮脏可笑的战争 10

