"达里奥·阿基多" 共找到影视: 55 部
惊慌失措的阿基多 2


  Dario Argento ha scritto i suoi film più famosi all’interno di hotel, isolandosi completamente dalla realtà esterna e immergendosi nei propri incubi. Dopo molti anni, consigliato dal suo agente, decide di tornare in un hotel per concludere la sua nuova sceneggiatura e per essere intervistato, filmato e seguito da una troupe che sta girando un film su di lui. All’interno di ques...

我不是神,但我是安东尼奥尼 7


  A documentary which explores the life and the career of Michelangelo Antonioni, one of the greatest Italian directors, through archival footage and interviews .

刽子手,面具和秘密:意大利恐怖电影 6


  The documentary consists of footage from 12 erotic documentary films from the Sixties. A dynamic style of editing, sometimes almost hypnotic is accompanied by contemporary music created especially for the documentary by the music composer Federico Badaloni. The voice over of the author blends in perfectly with the music and the footage, showing a Sixties pop influence. At the b...

DarioArgento:Soupirsdansuncorridorlointain 10


  Vingt ans séparent les deux parties de ce film portrait consacré à Dario Argento. Tourné à Turin puis à Rome entre 2000 et 2019, Soupirs dans un corridor lointain cale son pas sur l'un des cinéastes les plus marquants de ces quarante dernières années. Ses obsessions, son travail, ses souvenirs, ses hantises, son rapport à la ville éternelle, les blessures de l'Histoire italienn...

追杀黑帮老大 10


CultoalTerror 9


  A documentary exploring the global horror festival circuit and the community around it.

Scusi,leièfavorevoleocontrario 4


  Successful 50-year-old entrepreneur Tullio Conforti, opposed to divorce for religious reasons, is in fact separated from his wife and leads a frenetic life divided among numerous lovers.

感官季节 9


天黑请开门 8


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1973  


恐怖大师第一季 3


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2005  

  本套剧集最初创意来自于恐怖片导演米克加利斯(Mick Garris),2002年他和一众业内同好在加州共餐。席间他们相谈甚欢,惺惺相惜。在此之后,加利斯召集席间的10位导演以及其他恐怖流的高手相约共同打造一套恐怖片剧集。2005年,加利斯身兼制作人和导演两个职务,打造出每集1小时的“恐怖大师”系列(总共两季26集),唐卡斯卡尔利、斯图尔特戈登、三池崇史、约翰麦克诺顿、鹤田法男等名声显赫的导演相继参与其中,联合为恐怖片爱好者奉上惊险刺激的恐怖盛宴。
  本剧集荣获2006年艾美奖杰出主题音乐奖、2006年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节最佳剧本和评委会特别奖。

无十字架的墓地 1


  Hossien stars as a leather-clad killer, drawn into a tragic kidnap/murder plot by his former flame Michelle Mercier. An almost totally visual Spaghetti Western with perhaps not more than two dozen lines of dialogue.

亡命五杰 6


  Set during the Mexican Revolution, a man known only as "The Dutchman" has a plan, and brings in four of his old acquaintences, including an old army buddy and a silent Japanese swordsman, to help him out by promising a $1000 reward if it succeeds. The plan turns out to be a fool's mission: rob a train carrying $500,000 in gold that's guarded by dozens of heavily armed soldiers ...

最后的嘉多帕多 9


  Il lungometraggio ricorda la vita e il lavoro del produttore cinematografico Goffredo Lombardo, figlio dell'attrice Leda Gys. Contiene l'inserto scelto di sequenze di numerosi film prodotti dalla sua casa di produzione Titanus.
  Oltre alla segretaria, Cesarina Marchetti, vengono intervistati i registi: Mario Monicelli, Ettore Scola, Francesco Rosi, Ermanno Olmi, Lina Wertm...