"迈克尔·帕林" 共找到影视: 76 部
巨蟒剧团之飞翔的马戏团第二季 9


  • 已更新至13期
  • 1970  


G.B.H 1


  • 已更新至7集
  • 1991  

  《G.B.H》是BBC4在1991夏天播出的一部七集迷你剧。故事发生在1990年代早期的英国北部,工党激进派领袖Micheal Murray为了政治需要而发动一场大规模的罢工,而当地学校的校长Jim Nelson为了保护学生的安全提出抗议,最终平息了这场运动。从此,这位 彬彬有礼的校长竟然开始成为了工党的仇敌Micheal Murray开始了不择手段的迫害Nelson,随着二人的斗争逐渐升级,更多的政治秘密也开始一一浮现……这部剧之所以成为政治迷你剧的经典作,除了演员的精湛表演,背景音乐的出色烘托,编剧Alan Bleasdale的故事也循序渐进,让观众深刻的认识到了政党运动的伪善,导致疯狂不断加剧,从而导致更大的悲剧。

MontyPythoninAberystwyth 5


  《布莱恩的一生》因饰演Judith Iscariot的Sue Jones-Davies的裸戏而被威尔士的Aberystwyth市禁了近三十年。2008年,Sue好巧不巧担任了该市市长,这才了解到这件事。此时随着时间推移,禁令已慢慢淡出视野。09年《布莱恩的一生》上映三十周年,这部电影终于登上了Aberystwyth市的艺术中心。
  In a strange turn of events, Sue Jones-Davies became the mayor of a Welsh town where Monty Python's Life of Brian was still banned - the film where she played the female lead.

AlexanderArmstrong'sRealRippingYarns 10


  Our dashing hero Alexander Armstrong explores the literature that inspired Michael Palin and Terry Jones's classic TV comedy Ripping Yarns, a loving parody of the Boys' Own books and magazines of their childhood. Featuring clips from Ripping Yarns, archive and interviews with experts, modern-day adventurers and Palin and Jones's own memories. In this affectionate and entertaini...

疯狂巧克力 4


30YearsofMontyPython,aRevelation 4


  Jonathan Ross interviews the (living) members of Monty Python on its 30th anniversary. Deleted scenes from Life of Brian are shown (were on laserdisc before that).

TheSecretPoliceman'sBall 4


  A series of benefit concerts to raise money for Amnesty International. Performances include comedy skits and musical numbers by a varied cast of mostly British performers. Featuring several Monty Python members, Rowan Atkinson, and Peter Cook.

IsThisaRecord 2


霓虹灯下的圣教士 7


  In 1905, after ten years of missionary work in Africa, the Reverend Charles Fortescue (Sir Michael Palin) is recalled to England, where his Bishop gives him his new assignment, to minister to London's prostitutes. Charles hopes Deborah Fitzbanks (Phoebe Nicholls), his fiancée, will object and give him an excuse to say no to the Bishop. But she is so imperturbably innocent that ...

电视一千零一夜 2


  Extracts from a variety of television shows.

巨蟒剧团:几乎都是事实(律师剪辑版) 5


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2009  

  为庆祝喜剧天团Monty Python成立四十周年,IFC精心打造的六部头五个多钟头史诗纪录片;
  BBC播出的是一小时的节版Monty Python Almost The Truth The BBC Lawyers Cut;

遨游四海 2


  • 已更新至10集
  • 1997  

  1995年一名英国的电视演员米高-柏林展开了一个特别的节目企画,称为Full Circle,就是走遍环太平洋的18 个国家的记录片 ,从白令海峡小代奥米德岛开始,环绕地球最大的海洋「太平洋」一周,最后回到小代奥米德岛,横跨四个半球,十八个国家,与五万英里的路程,并将所有的过程用摄影机记录下来,制作成十集的「遨游四海」节目,以飨所有观众朋友。