"道格拉斯·亚当斯" 共找到影视: 13 部
全能侦探社第一季 9


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2016  


神秘博士第十七季 9


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1979  


巴黎春日 7


  A Documentary looking at the Behind the scenes filming on City of Death. Talking to cast and crew as well looking at Douglas Adams career in Dr who, as a writer and script editor.

全能侦探社第二季 5


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2017  

  该剧改编自道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)的同名小说,伊利亚·伍德(Elijah Wood)饰演托德(Todd),塞缪尔·巴奈特(Samuel Barnett)饰演德克(Dirk)。

恶搞整九新闻 7


  • 已更新至40集
  • 1979  

  British sketch comedy starring the likes of Rowan Atkinson and Mel Smith.

神秘博士:死亡之城 3


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1979  

  The Doctor and Romana are enjoying a holiday in Paris, 1979, when they become aware of a fracture in time. During a visit to the Louvre to see da Vinci's Mona Lisa, the Doctor purloins from a stranger, Countess Scarlioni, a bracelet that is actually an alien scanner device.
  He, Romana and a private detective named Duggan are then 'invited' to the chateau home of Count Scarlioni...

神秘博士:沙达 6


  The story revolves around the planet Shada, on which the Time Lords have constructed a high security prison for some of the Universe's most dangerous criminals. Skagra, a flawed genius from the planet Dronoid, wishes to create a "Universal Mind" in which all the pooled knowledge of the universe's greatest criminals would be placed at his disposal and with which he intends to ta...

银河系漫游指南 4


  • 已完结
  • 2005  

  每个人都曾经历过懊恼糟糕的早晨。懒床睡过了点,起床弄伤了脚趾,下楼磕了头,早餐烤焦了面包,阿瑟· 登特(马丁·弗里曼饰)的这个早上可谓衰运当头,而且还远不止这些。**已经决定拆掉他的房子,好友福特·普里弗克特(摩斯·德夫饰)承认自己是个外星人,正在地球上寻找新版《银河系漫游指南》。最耸人听闻的是,外星人正在建造银河系高速公路,而地球是阻挡工程进展的障碍物,外星人即将摧毁地球。在福特的帮助下,阿瑟·登特在地球被毁灭前的最后一刻搭上了一艘路过地球的外星人的太空船,远离这个即将毁灭的伤心地,开始了一段充满惊奇的星河探险。在太空之旅中,阿瑟发现毛巾是宇宙里最有用的东西,并体会到了生命的精确含义,更发现所有他需要知道的一切居然都写在一本名叫《银河系漫游指南》的电子图书里……

全能侦探(试播集) 1


  Eccentric private eye Dirk Gently uses 'holistic' methods,believing everything in the universe to be connected. When hired to trace elderly Ruth's missing cat,Dirk,with down-trodden sidekick MacDuff,investigates a warehouse,which houses a strange contraption,which blows up. A connection is made to a missing billionaire,Gordon Way,who has been besotted with MacDuff's girlfriend ...

神秘博士:海盗行星 5


  The tracer detects the second segment on the planet Calufrax. The TARDIS makes a bumpy landing, and the Doctor and Romana soon discover that they are not on Calufrax at all. They are in fact on Zanak, a planet that has been hollowed out and fitted with engines so that it can transmat through space and materialise around others - such as Calufrax - to plunder their mineral wealt...

Hyperland 1


  The self-proclaimed "fantasy documentary" begins with Adams asleep by the fireside with his television still on. In a dream that follows, Adams, fed up by game shows and generally passive, non-interactive linear content, takes his TV to a rubbish dump, where he meets Tom, played by Tom Baker. Tom is a software agent, who shows him the future of TV: interactive multimedia.

Outofthetrees 6


  one-off pilot written by Graham Chapman and Douglas Adams in 1975.
  post-python and pre-hitch hiker's guide.

银河漫游者指南 5


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  Deadline报导指Hulu目前正把Douglas Adams的《银河系漫游指南 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy》开发成剧集版,本项目由Carlton Cuse及Jason Fuchs负责。英国科幻小说系列《银河系漫游指南》原本是广播剧,被弄成小说后成为经典作,在全球有30+种语言翻译本。
  《银河系漫游指南》讲述主角Arthur Dent所住的地球被官僚主义外星人Vogons摧毁,意外得救的他因此在星际间展开了冒险历程。原作曾在2005年时被改编成同名电影。