"金杰·罗杰斯" 共找到影视: 58 部
二战期间的美国娱乐界 3


乔治·史蒂文斯:一个电影制作人的历程 9


  Biography of director George Stevens by his son. It includes clips from many of his films with commentary by the actors and by directors such as Frank Capra, John Huston and Alan Pakula, among others. Also included are Stevens's war "home movies," found only after his death. Assigned by Eisenhower to film the war in Europe, Stevens used the opportunity to produce, at the same t...

舞林大会 1


  A documentary film about dancing on the screen, from it's orgins after the invention of the movie camera, over the movie musical from the late 20s, 30s, 40s 50s and 60s up to the break dance and the music videos from the 80s.

环球小姐1973 5


  • 最新更新
  • 1973  

办公室布鲁斯 5


  Ginger Rogers plays a secretary who is in love with her boss but he ignores her and she ignores another suitor. Eventually, the boss reveals that he loves her. Written by Jack McKillop <jem3@donuts0.bellcore.com>

TheTip-Off 10


  While on a job, cocky young radio repairman Tommy Jordan meets Baby Face, enticing (if dizzy) girlfriend of jealous boxer Kayo McClure. Fleeing Baby Face's flirtatious advances, Tommy jumps from the frying pan into the fire when he pursues Edna Merino, girlfriend of Kayo's gangster manager Nick Vatelli. Can Kayo save Tommy from being "rubbed out" Or will fearful Baby Face hold...

快乐大王 8


男女之间 5


银星伏雌 6


  Carol Corliss, a beautiful movie star so insecure about her celebrity that she goes around in disguise, meets a rugged outdoorsman who is unaffected by her star status.

美人骏马 1


女子精修学校 7


飞女怀春 4


哈露 10


  Loosely based biography of 1930s star Jean Harlow as she begins her climb to stardom.

温柔的同志 8


  Ginger Rogers stars in this rousing, patriotic drama as Jo, a young woman whose husband (Robert Ryan) goes off to fight the Nazis, leaving her home, poor and pregnant. In order to make ends meet, Jo takes a job riveting planes and then moves into an all-girl commune with three other women (Ruth Hussey, Patricia Collinge, and Kim Hunter). It's a touching illustration of grace un...

大乡里进城 2

