"金惠贞" 共找到影视: 14 部
艳谍神龙 9


  黑社會頭子王泰斗的助手施紅蘭從北國特工手中搶得私運金塊的密件, 特工頭目李重燮率其妹允姬及手下來香港搜尋. 韓國特工X-7號金明烈從蘭處換來密件, 及時發現是炸彈, 並救蘭脫險. 烈和蘭往斗宅盜取密件不果, 後跟蹤斗、燮等到日本. 蘭的弟弟遭燮挾持, 威脅她殺烈, 但蘭不忍下手. 烈向舊愛姬曉以大義, 二人潛入燮的基地進行破壞. 斗看到蘭的頸鏈, 和蘭父女相認, 並透露金塊會運往韓國. 蘭往韓國會烈, 截獲用金塊融解製成的汽車, 槍戰中姬為救烈槍殺兄長. 烈和蘭雖兩情相悅, 惜礙於時勢, 蘭黯然獨自回港.

地下室7人 9


  安神父通过重建北朝鲜战争中毁坏的教堂,撤退的北朝鲜士兵被锁在地下室。 朝鲜人与安神父一起藏在地下室,并试图用安神父作为人质逃离教堂。 韩国陆军上尉崔东浩一直在追捕残余的北朝鲜士兵,担心安神父的安全,他无法全部歼灭。 由于崔上尉的聪明策略,北朝鲜士兵被杀,安神父被安全救出。

黑龙江 6


  Two members of the army for national independence, a man and a woman, on their way to the Heilong River, happen to stay at a cottage located in a deep mountain, where a father and a daughter live. The movie deals with psychological conflicts and sexual desires the two people go through as they stay at the cottage.

洋槐花瓣烂漫时 7


苏满边境 7


  • 译名:
  • 类别:
  • 语言:韩语  

人间万岁 3


  • 译名:
  • 类别:
  • 语言:韩语  

铁条网 3


  • 译名:
  • 类别:
  • 语言:韩语  

明洞44番地 9


  A gangster who used to be overwhelming in Myeongdong (downtown of Seoul) is determined to come to life again after the worthy uprising on April 19th (1960). So he leads his men properly. When the military coup on May 16th takes place, he goes to prison. He decides to start life anew after he is released from prison as a trusty by the help of his younger brother who is a prosecu...

决定分手的瞬间 3


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2021  
  • 译名:
  • 类别:
  • 语言:韩语  


內侍 5


  A nobleman sends his daughter to the king as a concubine in order to gain personal power and favors from the monarch. Her lover follows her into the palace disguised as a eunuch. They continue to meet in secret until discovered and sentenced to death.

谍海妖姬 3


周游天下 10


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暴君燕山 3


  Continuing the story of the film, Prince Yeonsan, Yeonsan's grief and dissipated life leads him to become a cruel tyrant, ordering the decapitation of the court members who advised the deposition of his mother. Plans are made for his deposition.

仁川上陆作战 3


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