"马里安·克里尚" 共找到影视: 10 部
TheSovietGarden 10


  A filmmaker from Moldova tries to discover the truth about Soviet experiments in atomic gardening.

新年快乐! 4


家庭肖像 1


  Two rockers are getting married.They don't want wear proper suits and shoes at the wedding. Their family and friends are talking about different aspects in organizing the wedding. Everybody seems to know whats best for them.

LeServiteur 6


早晨 9


  影片由罗马尼亚、匈牙利与法国三国合拍,曾在2010年瑞士洛迦洛电影节摘得国际评审团特别奖、Don Quixote奖以及青年大奖。该片是罗马尼亚导演马里安·克里斯安的长片处女作,两年前他曾凭借短片《Megatron》获得戛纳电影节的短片金棕榈大奖。

柏林人 5



威震天 9


  It's Maxim's birthday. He's 8 years old. He lives together only with his mother in a village not so close to the big city. For his birthday, his mother will take him to Bucharest, to McDonald's. There, Maxim hopes to meet his father
  Won Cannes Golden Palm - Best Short Film
  Won Stockholm Film Festival - Best Short Film

天际线 1


摇滚乐手 7


  Victor, a rocker in his forties, is ready to do everything for his drug-addicted son: he'll help the boy and his rock band to prepare an upcoming live concert. Second film by the Romanian director Marian Crisan, who won the Special Jury Prize and Youth Jury Award at the Locarno Festival with his previous film, Morgen.

Warboy 7


  The story follows Nicu, a teenager who is quite attached to his family’s two horses. It is almost the end of World War II and, as the impoverished army has made a tradition out of seizing civilians’ possessions in order to ensure its survival during the war, the two horses may be taken away, which prompts Nicu to start a perilous journey in the mountains to save them.