"马西莫·德·丽塔" 共找到影视: 24 部
Laragazzadeililla 10


暴力:第五权力 8


  This is a very hard film to review fairly in its currently available format--an English-dubbed videotape from Finland. La Violenza: Quinto Potere (titled The Sicilian Checkmate on the tape) is an extremely talky courtroom drama steeped in Italian politics of the period, and therefore is pretty hard going for an Anglophone audience unfamiliar (as am I) with the topic. Taking pla...

暴风战士 7


  杰克·夏普是一名前警察,他在妻子被谋杀后寻求复仇。在杀死凶手之后,夏普被判处7年徒刑。在释放后,杰克被他的老朋友杰里给了一把spa -12霰弹枪,目的是为了报复那些把他送走的奸诈的律师。然而,杰克却在最后一刻决定回到阿巴拉契亚荒野的僻静小屋,把枪埋在地板上。当一群偷猎者与他发生冲突并杀死他的小鹿时,事情变得复杂起来。杰克去了中草药医生的办公室,猎人们一直在卖给他,把这个地方给砸了。杰克分居的女儿康妮随后加入了杰瑞和她的男友,但所有的人都被杀了,因为猎人决定要报复吓走草药医生。杰克设法逃回了他的小木屋,并挖出了他的枪,与那些违反法律的人最后一场战斗。

极速骑手 6


冷血医生 10


出生入死第一季 5


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1984  

  意大利经典警匪片。《出生入死》从集团犯罪的源头——西西里入手,把战后黑社会在西西里乃至整个意大利的演变历史和现状的方方面面进行了更为细致深刻的分析,就像影片本名“La piovra”(章鱼)所隐喻的那样,黑社会就像章鱼一样,已经把它的千万条触角深入渗透到了社会的各个角落,政界、金融界、司法界、工商业、新闻媒体,无论是官员、贵族、资本家还是平民劳动阶层,没有人能够彻底摆脱这种阴影,它已经和支持社会的所有骨架血肉相连,成为一个整体,根本无法斩断、分解或剥离。和《教父》不同,影片中正邪角色的分配势均力敌,但无论是正面人物还是反面人物,都被塑造得有血有肉,谁都有弱点,谁也都有其人性的一面。
  《出生入死》原名,主题是正义一方如何与黑手党展开生死较量. 这个剧从1984开始播出.原剧名的意思是"章鱼".象征黑手党的触角伸向四方,难以斩除.又是一个极阴森恐怖的形象...

最后的嘉多帕多 9


  Il lungometraggio ricorda la vita e il lavoro del produttore cinematografico Goffredo Lombardo, figlio dell'attrice Leda Gys. Contiene l'inserto scelto di sequenze di numerosi film prodotti dalla sua casa di produzione Titanus.
  Oltre alla segretaria, Cesarina Marchetti, vengono intervistati i registi: Mario Monicelli, Ettore Scola, Francesco Rosi, Ermanno Olmi, Lina Wertm...

魔鬼的面具 9


毒品之街 6


  An Italian policeman goes undercover to break up an international ****** smuggling ring and butts heads with a hot-tempered Interpol agent assigned by his agency to do the same task.

安妮塔·加里波第 10



井中之心 4


  意大利国家电视台2005年一部二战背景的迷你剧集,从IMDB评论看争议颇多。Ennio Morricone配曲。

天涯杀手 8


  The story concerns a mob family, headed by gambling czar Jose Ferrer. When one of family's hit men (Helmut Berger) fails to come up to expectations, Ferrer orders the man's execution.

众声喧哗 2


  The Big Racket benefits immensely from a strong leading performance courtesy of Fabio Testi (star of What Have They Done to Solange). Testi's portrayal of the angry police officer is perfectly judged to fit the movie, and I don't think there is an actor who could be better suited to playing the lead in this movie. He heads a strong Italian cast, who all do well in bringing thei...

亚马逊战神 9


  A story of a tribe of Amazons in the age of swords and chariots. The film opens with the tribe holding physical contests to select a new queen. Since there are no men in the tribe, they hire men from another nation once a year. After the queen is crowned, the Amazons go to meet a group of Greek soldiers for their annual mating. The king of the Greeks pretends to be a captain an...