"Anselmo Duarte" 共找到影视: 5 部
绝对正确 8


  本片是巴西名导Anselmo Duarte的首部长片,后来他曾凭借1962年的《承诺》打开了巴西新浪潮通往世界的大门并获得奥斯卡最佳外语片提名和嘎纳金棕榈奖。但早在57年的这部处女作中他就已经展示出非凡的创造力了,本片被看成是对50年代巴西人生活各面的完美展现。YOUTUBE片段:
  A man who's memorized his town's telephone directory tries his luck on a TV Show. But a small group of people who control the bettings in town try to get advantage of his simple-mindedness.
  Very n...

OsTrombadinhas 5


  La historia aborda la realidad del menor abandonado,mostrando que estos menores non agen por cuenta propia y,en la realidad,obedecen ao comando de marginales adultos que exploran su impunidad.

领主的女儿 4


  依然是Vera Cruz Studios出品的爱情经典,本片由Anselmo Duarte担任主演。影片获得1954年德国柏林国际电影节城市特别奖。
  In 19th century Brazil, young people in the State of Sao Paulo fight against black slavery and the farmers who support it. Against this backdrop, Sinhá Moca falls in love with a young lawyer, and they get involved in a great love story.
  A Powerful Romance in Times of Changings in the Brazilian Society. T...

光的弧线 9



内维斯兄弟案件 1


  The innocent brothers are wrongly accused of a crime by a corrupt and violent police officers and are forced to face the injustices of the brazilian penal system. This drama of two brothers falsely accused of robbery and murder is based on an actual incident. The miscarriage of justice begins when an honest man with lots of money disappears from a small village. A police lieute...