"Colin Stafford-Johnson" 共找到影视: 6 部
BBC自然世界:黑冠猕猴 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2013  

  Peanut, Hero and Tarzan are three cheeky monkeys. They live on the paradise Indonesian island of Sulawesi with the rest of their gang of crested black macaques. These very special primates are found nowhere else in the world. Twenty-five years ago, wildlife cameraman Colin Stafford-Johnson visited Sulawesi for the first time and now he has returned. Fascinated by the monkeys, C...

香农秘境 4


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2013  

  Part 1
  Programme One introduces us to our presenter Colin Stafford-Johnson and to his journey. Opening with early morning mist rising off the river, viewers will be transported to a world few ever see. Close-ups of riverside wildflowers revealing the minutiae of river life give way to massive aerial shots of the river as it flows to the sea. Colin offers thoughtful reflections ...

断尾虎 1


  Gain an immediate insight into the pressures on the decreasing tiger population in India by following the sad trail of one young tiger who left the Ranthambore preserve.

自然世界:老虎女王 5


  本节目的主角是母虎(Tiger Queen)玛琪莉(Machli)和它的三只幼虎,玛琪莉霸占湖边的地盘已经11年。当幼虎逐渐长大,面临的危险也越来越多,少了母亲的陪伴,它们得冒险进入荒野去寻找自己的地盘。其中一只把目标对准湖边,争斗随即展开;一只只的老虎都打败仗,唯一屹立不倒的是母虎玛琪莉。在这场生存的战斗中,女儿会挑战母亲吗?本节目高清拍摄,揭露印度老虎的世界,展现老虎的雄伟、秘密和生存之战。

老虎“断尾”的最后旅程 10

