"El Gran Wyoming" 共找到影视: 7 部
Caigaquiencaiga 9


  • 最新更新
  • 1996  

  Reality changes depending on how you see it. CQC has its own way of seeing things. "Caiga Quien Caiga" is a weekly news roundup that takes a humorous and ironic approach to reporting current affairs, show business and sports. A program that laughs at reality and takes information to limits beyond what is expected. Each week, direct and live from the studio, a trio of hosts pres...

Oh,cielos 9


Historiasdelaputamili 2


笑死人 4



HayMotivo! 7


  Hay motivo! es una serie de 32 cortometrajes producidos en febrero de 2004 y proyectados a partir del 9 de marzo en los que se critican diversos aspectos de la realidad social espaola y, sobre todo, al gobierno del Partido Popular en distintos temas sociales y políticos. De acuerdo con los propios realizadores, el propósito de esta serie de cortometrajes era propiciar un camb...

易达水域 2


  Almar is stranded on the shore of an island in the Mediterranian sea, when his ship leaves without him. There he befriends the somewhat dodgy vagabond Windy, and falls in love for the first time, in the local young girl, Marta.

XIIpremiosGoya 2
