"Frieda Pittoors" 共找到影视: 6 部
小象情缘 7


  Bonnie takes care of her mother Lis, more than she takes care of Bonnie. Then one day Lis brings home an elephant…
  Bonnie (9) likes elephants, just like her family. Bonnie's mother, Mis, is not like other mothers. Sometimes she is very lively and very cheerful and at other times she can be lethargic and very down. She has pills to act "normal" but she doesn't like to take them....

意外的凶手 9


  本片為一部人物關係複雜卻表現出色的黑色喜劇。在令人發笑的同時讓人察覺其背後可怕的意涵。飽受瘋狂前夫騷擾的女主角,在一個雨夜意外發現河中漂著一個男孩,卻在事後才由新聞得知男孩死亡;未能即時出手相救的愧疚感,促使她不斷追查線索尋找這起意外的兇手:是鄰居那個將房車撞凹、行蹤神秘的先生?還是那精神異常、舉止怪異的男人?究竟,誰才是那個令人意外的兇手? 本片參賽以及得獎紀錄:鐵薩隆尼基影展最佳影片、劇本、女主角獎、鹿特丹影展、多倫多影展年度發現獎、聖賽巴斯汀影展

女孩要坚强 6


LostLuggage 3


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2022  

  A police officer is tasked with returning all the personal belongings left in the airport by the victims. Along the way, her concern for others leads her to stop looking after herself.

氏族 10


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2012  

NederlandC 4
