"Hua Chen" 共找到影视: 2 部
血战大二胆 6


  1950年7月,解放军曾发动对大担岛的大规模进攻,由于当时缺乏渡海作战经验,被大担岛的国军守备部队二百多人击败,重蹈古宁头大战的覆辙。1950年10月蒋经国“巡视”大担岛,并题字“大胆者,方能负起反攻复国之大担!”因此,“大担岛”遂改名为“大胆岛”。蒋经国亲手题写了“岛孤人不孤”等几个大字, 作为纪念。

武汉狼 2


  Amid news reports of ravenous beasts roaming the night, Gao, an ex-con bar manager and leader of a punk band in Wuhan, China, gets caught up in a series of unexplained and brutal murders. When Nicole, a young American passing through town, attracts his attention, it's not long before her mysterious past and a local gang of thugs turn the night scene into a life-and-death strugg...