"Harald Reinl" 共找到影视: 22 部
向往未来 3


  《众神的战车》,又名《向往未来》,1974年由西德出品。影片对诸多远古历史之谜做出了“惊人的解答”,究竟是真理还是谬误、是事实还是诳语,成为几十年来人们争论的话题。 《众神的战车》的作者是瑞士人埃利希·冯·丹尼肯(Erich von Daniken),他认为金字塔、玛雅文明、秘鲁纳兹卡平原上的巨型图画等很多文明遗迹其实是外星人留下的,外星人不但很早就来过地球,而且在人类文明发展历史中起到了重大作用。 《众神的战车》因其大胆而独特的观点风靡世界,先后被翻译成32种语言,销量高达6800万册。不过该书在得到大量读者支持的同时,也遭受到了学术界的批评,很多学者对埃利希·冯·丹尼肯的理论不以为然。

蒙特卡西诺之战 9



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EintoterTauchernimmtkeinGold 6


第十三号房间 2


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  Disaster lies over Castle Darkwood. While the castle owner is still fighting his imminent death, the family is already fighting over his heir. Shortly before his death, he changes his will to the benefit of his daughter, who should continue the girls school in the Castle, and his granddaughter Gwendolin, who shall inherit the entire fortune. Both sons go out empty. Thereupon il...

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