"Iara Lee" 共找到影视: 27 部
TheKalashaandtheCrescent 3


  The Kalash people of northern Pakistan's Chitral valley uphold a rich cultural heritage that is at odds with Pakistan's dominant Islam. Today, even as the community bears the combined pressures of poverty, tourism, and Islamism, a dedicated group of Kalash advocates are fighting to keep their culture alive. Can Kalash traditions withstand the challenges brought by globalization...

人造樂趣 4



BurkinabèBounty 1


  Burkinabè Bounty, a documentary from Cultures of Resistance Films, chronicles agricultural resistance and the fight for food sovereignty in Burkina Faso-a small, landlocked country in West Africa. Showcasing activist farmers, students, artists, and leaders in the local Slow Food movement, the film looks at how the Burkinabè people are reclaiming their land and defending their t...

那些在西撒哈拉等待的日子 3


  在人民被允諾脫離西班牙統治獲得自由的40年後,西薩哈拉卻仍然是非洲最後一個殖民地。 1991年聯合國居中協調的停戰協定結束該區域的武裝敵對行動,這些薩哈拉人卻仍持續生活在摩洛哥軍隊的專制統治之中,和平在這個地區是一觸即碎的。數以萬計的薩哈拉人逃亡至鄰近的阿爾及利亞,在那裡已經有超過125,000的難民仍住在本應是暫時的營區。儘管困難重重,一項以年輕人為主的新運動正逐漸抬頭,試圖挑戰各種侵犯人權的行為,以及要求得到久未兌現的自由公投。 現今世代年輕的行動主義者,出於民族自決,正展開具有創意的非暴力對抗。為了這麼做,他們得堅持抵抗兩方衝突力量的洪流。一方面要冒著受摩洛哥當局酷刑和失蹤的危險;另一方面也要安撫對國際力量失去耐心,準備開始另一波游擊戰的人。 導演耶拉李的新片呈現這些緊繃的情緒,紀錄在佔領之下每天從早到晚會面對的暴力,為這些對他們而言殖民似乎...

STALKINGCHERNOBYL:explorationafterapocalypse 2


  Stalking Chernobyl: Exploration After Apocalypse, a documentary from Cultures of Resistance Films, examines the underground culture of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Three decades after the world's most infamous nuclear disaster, wildlife has returned in the absence of human settlements. Meanwhile, illegal hiking adventurers known as "stalkers," extreme sports aficionados, artis...

K2andtheInvisibleFootmen 7


  Located on the border between Pakistan and China, K2 is the second-highest mountain on Earth. For many climbers, it is an even greater prize than Everest, with limited routes, a steeper ascent, and a harder push to its summit. Nicknamed the 'Savage Mountain,' K2's peak is so much higher than the rest of the surrounding range that it juts unprotected into the atmosphere, regular...

TheSufferingGrasses:WhenElephantsFight,ItIstheGrassThatSuffers 9


  With thousands dead and counting, the ongoing conflict in Syria has become a microcosm for the complicated politics of the region, and an unsavory reflection of the world at large. Against the backdrop of the Arab Spring and the complicated politics of the region, this film explores the Syrian conflict through the humanity of the civilians who have been killed, abused, and disp...

调变 4


  This is the first true explanation of why i love electronic music, 16 August 1999
  Author: (knocj001@students.unisa.edu.au) from Adelaide, Australia
  I saw Modulations as part of a film festival here in Adelaide; i wish now that i had gone and seen it twice. I finally found out WHY i like dance/electronic music while watching it. The first feeling i had as i walked out of...

CulturesofResistance:BattlefortheXingu 6


  In 2008 Cultures of Resistance documented the Altamira summit in the Brazilian rainforest, where over 1,000 people gathered to protest the government-planned Belo Monte dam. The proposed dam would be the world's third-largest and would displace tens of thousands of indigenous people and local farmers. Watch our short film about the demonstration and find out how to support the ...

SierraLeoneRising 6


TheRapeoftheSamburuWomen 1
