"Janis Kelly" 共找到影视: 4 部
亚当斯:尼克松在中国 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2011  

阿德里亚娜·莱科芙露尔 5


  Starring Angela Gheorghiu as the celebrated French actress Adriana Lecouvreur and Jonas Kaufmann as her lover Maurizio, Count of Saxony, Cilea’s verismo drama explores celebrity, romance, jealousy, and death.
  The trio of sublime voices is completed by Russian mezzo-soprano Olga Borodina as Adriana’s jealous rival, the Princess de Bouillon.
  David McVicar’s hit production – the f...

首席名伶 5


  堪稱當代文藝G 偶像的 Rufus Wainwright ,以籌備他生涯首部歌劇作品《Prima Donna》的過程,對樂迷吐露著他與自幼離異的名人雙親、同為歌手的妹妹與男友,甚至是自青少年時期便影響他創作甚鉅的歌劇等不同層次的互動,逐步描繪出這位音樂才子的創作傳承與音樂光譜;扮裝過天后女伶茱蒂嘉蘭的他,其身段與企圖,儼然就是自己劇中的「Prima Donna」!