"Michael Kirk" 共找到影视: 20 部
FindYourGroove 9


特朗普的白宫之路 7


  • 最新更新
  • 2017  

  PBS.前线.特朗普的白宫之路(2017-1-24)水山汉化 PBS 2017/1/24新片. 讲述特朗普如何从参选一步步走到最后. 看点:
  1. 美国总统政治史上最意外选举的前因后果.
  2. 特朗普本人的个性,包括其缺点弱点 倒成为他当选的原因.
  3. 当选的民意基础和特朗普的竞选策略,还是有些绝招的.
  4. 别指望特朗普为竞选而改变. 更别指望他当选后会改变.【水山汉化】

美利坚分众国-下部 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2017  

  PBS的 前线栏目播出的纪录片《 美利坚'分'众国》讲述奥巴马以团结美国的号召参选总统,卸任时美国更加分裂,期间发生的种种事情。
  1 先说说译名, 真正意思是'分裂的美国',但片名DSA实际是USA的改写,这么翻译是为了切这个意思.
  2 特朗普就是奥巴马的完全反面.他的当选正好说明这种分裂加大的结果.
  3 2008年共和党惨败,决定采取不合作态度,才能挽回局面. 这使奥巴马步履蹒跚.
  4 传统的共和党在党内已经不再独大. 新共和党议员为翻盘,基本选的都是茶党类似的保守派.
  5 美国国会的夏季基层探访实际起到相当的作用.
  6 2008年副总统候选人佩林 成为茶党领军人物.
  7 奥巴马对医保通过向本党议员施压妥协竭尽全力,结果导致其中很多以落选作为代价.
  8 主要法案共和党全投反对票, 使奥巴马的团结梦破灭.【水山字幕】

美利坚分众国-上部 6


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2017  

  PBS的 前线栏目播出的纪录片《 美利坚'分'众国》讲述奥巴马以团结美国的号召参选总统,卸任时美国更加分裂,期间发生的种种事情。
  1 先说说译名, 真正意思是'分裂的美国',但片名DSA实际是USA的改写,这么翻译是为了切这个意思.
  2 特朗普就是奥巴马的完全反面.他的当选正好说明这种分裂加大的结果.
  3 2008年共和党惨败,决定采取不合作态度,才能挽回局面. 这使奥巴马步履蹒跚.
  4 传统的共和党在党内已经不再独大. 新共和党议员为翻盘,基本选的都是茶党类似的保守派.
  5 美国国会的夏季基层探访实际起到相当的作用.
  6 2008年副总统候选人佩林 成为茶党领军人物.
  7 奥巴马对医保通过向本党议员施压妥协竭尽全力,结果导致其中很多以落选作为代价.
  8 主要法案共和党全投反对票, 使奥巴马的团结梦破灭.【水山字幕】

开罗革命 10


  In "Revolution in Cairo", Frontline follows the founders of the April 6th Movement as they use social networking in an effort to bring down Hosni Mubarak. In "The Brotherhood", Charles Sennott the changing face of the Muslim Brotherhood.

崩溃的银行 4


  当美国第四大的投资银行濒临倒闭时,全美国最大的银行CEO们被召集到华尔街的会议室里,研究挽救美国经济的整体崩溃。而Merrill Lynch作为最大的房贷保险公司,为了自救,不得不将公司卖给了花旗银行,而整个市场意外的出现信用崩溃。华尔街的主席不得不向白宫**求援。在获得700亿美元的紧急援救款的情况下,美国最大的几家银行机构CEOs,被迫接受了**的注资,失去了对自己银行的完全控制。由于Merrill的巨额债务150亿损失,花旗银行发现自己莫名的被拖入破产的地步,在**的强制干预下,额外200亿纳税人的钱汇入花旗银行,这个艰难的公司合并勉强的完成了。

内在崩溃 9


  Frontline investigates the 2008 economic meltdown and offers an inside look at what caused the crisis and who, if anyone, could have stopped it.

911后的美国 7


  From veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker and chronicler of U.S. politics, Michael Kirk and his team, this documentary traces the U.S. response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the devastating consequences that unfolded across four presidencies. Drawing on both new interviews and those from the dozens of documentaries Kirk and his award-winning team made in the years afte...

选择2016 1


  The dueling stories of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as they battle for the presidency.
  Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are two of the most polarizing presidential candidates in modern history. Veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk goes beyond the headlines to investigate what has shaped these two candidates, where they came from, how they lead and why they want one of t...

NetanyahuatWar 2


  The inside story of the bitter clash between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Amid violence in the Middle East, the film traces Netanyahu's rise to power and his high-stakes fight with the president over Iran's nuclear program.

失去伊拉克 3


  From PBS and FRONTLINE: FRONTLINE examines the unfolding chaos in Iraq and how the U.S. is being pulled back into the conflict. Drawing on interviews with policymakers and military leaders, the film traces the U.S. role from the 2003 invasion to the current violence, showing how Iraq itself is coming undone, how we got here, what went wrong, and what happens next.

美国解密:棱镜计划 9


  From PBS and Frontline: Last year Edward Snowden downloaded tens of thousands of top-secret documents from a highly secure government computer network. The revelations that followed touched off a fierce debate over the massive surveillance operations conducted by the National Security Agency. Now FRONTLINE investigates the secret history of the unprecedented surveillance progra...

否認聯盟 9


  Investigate the health crisis that threatens NFL players and the long-term fortunes of football.

IncidentonHighway73 9
