"Marianne Hoppe" 共找到影视: 9 部
DieKnigin-MarianneHoppe 4


  A portrait of one of the most fascinating German actresses, now on her way to becoming the cult image for the art of acting in 20th century Germany. She represents continuity in discontinuous periods of time. Like a queen, she has kept her own counsel on how much this continuity has demanded of her, especially between 1933 and 1945.
  The film utilises the form of internal monolo...

农场的13头驴 8


银湖宝藏 10


  Although filmed by a joint German-Yugoslav crew, this European western is set in the Southern United States and involves an oddly-named hero, Old Shatterhand (Lex Barker of Tarzan fame). O.S. has a sidekick, Winnetou, an Apache chief played by a rather understated Pierre Brice. The fuel behind the drama is a hidden map that shows where a secret treasure is buried somewhere arou...

希特勒的好莱坞 5


  承接預示極權崛起的《從卡里加利到希特拉》(39 屆), 舒士蘭繼續鉤沉,打開德國電影史禁忌一章。除了常被後世提及的經典宣傳片《意志的勝利》(1935) 與 《奧林匹亞》(1938)、激起反猶情緒的《猶太人蘇斯》 (1940),納粹從掌權到倒台,共製作了過千部電影,儼然要與荷里活分庭抗禮,建立起自家夢工場的明星制度, 透過影像煽動人心。舒士蘭認真檢視非常時期的非常電影,從出走美國前的英格烈褒曼數到德國版《鐵達尼號》,拆解潛藏的思想控制,以及極權下的集體潛意識。

奇怪的女伯爵 1


  The Weird Countess can easily stand in line with the best film noir masterpieces. It builds a nightmarish mood up to the point when the viewer is sickened by not knowing what exactly is going on. It's structurally very well crafted and employs some very good actors - such as the legends of German cinema Marianne Hoppe and Lil Dagover, breathtakingly beautiful at 74. There's als...

再见,弗朗西斯卡! 10


  1932年,教授的女儿Franziska和四处漂泊的记者Michael一见钟情之后,开始了他们漫长然的爱情长跑,相聚,别离,下一次相聚串起了他们的一曲恋歌。Michael总是在各地奔波,为新闻社发去时事报道,包括事故,自然灾害和战争这些沉重的主题。而Franziska则安心地留守在一个风景如画的小镇上,独自抚养着一双儿女。她时常为平淡的生活感到失望,甚至多愁善感,但是心中的爱怎么可能轻易割舍。影片讲述的是一个由一些幸福时刻串联起来的淡然而又坚定的爱情故事,其中两位主角Marianne Hoppe和Hans Shnker精湛细腻的演技格外出彩。

DerSchrittvomWege 2


  Innstetten holds the post of "Landrat" (district councillor) which is the highest administrative office in the district of Kessin in Pomerania, within walking distance of the Baltic. He and Crampas are both former guard officers and thus bound by the Prussian code of honour. The action takes place in Hohen Cremmen where Effi's parents live, in Kessin (Instetten's estate and sur...

小调罗曼史 3



一个没有意义的女人 7

