"Muay Supaporn Kumnuansilp" 共找到影视: 6 部
从出生开始 5


  • 已更新至30集
  • 1993  

  Ming is a girl who lives with her grandfather and grandmother. Her grandfather hates her because her mother escaped with her grandfather and left her with him. So she tries to learn and make good things for them. In reality her grandfather loves her but he doesn't say anything because he still hates her mother. Her family has a food shop near an apartment.
  Prik came from the co...

闪电之爱 3


  • 已更新至46集
  • 2010  

闪电女神 6


  • 已更新至15集
  • 2002  

  Mekhala is the daughter of a Thai man and a Japanese woman. Her parents met during the war. They were saved from a bombing and helped each other to survive. It brought them together, and they created a family. But Mekhala's father was forced to leave for Thailand. Unfortunately, Mekhala's mother was a victim of a nuclear bombing in Japan, and this affected her appearance. In ad...

钱,钱,钱! 8


  • 已更新至27集
  • 1997  

云霓之望 6


  • 已更新至42集
  • 1993  

幸福的代价 8


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2017  

  歌手Tee因为演唱了一首love song love series一炮而红。但是人红了各种事情也随之而来,Tee开始沉迷于ke 药耍大牌,虽然有个 温柔贤淑的女友Pai照顾身体不好的母亲,他仍然不知满足。直到最后母亲去世 ,他能醒过来吗? love song loves eries饰演男主的Hatto和女主Manao也成了新一代的银幕情侣。Hatto在和自己的助理交往,但却和Manao搞暧昧。 女作家Sammy是love song love series作者。希望做出让人幸福的歌曲和文章。但是她的人生却不幸福,之前的男友发现她出轨后分手,现又交了一个会家暴的现男友。身处娱乐圈到底何为幸福?