"Olivia Williams" 共找到影视: 6 部
Damage 7


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2007  

祭坛 8



性、毒品和摇滚乐 1


  A biography of Ian Dury who was stricken with polio at a young age and defied expectations by becoming one of the founder of the punk-rock scene in Britain in the 1970s. |
  演唱过Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick等极富幽默感的朋克摇滚歌曲的英国歌手伊安·杜利(Ian Dury)于2000年死于癌症,享年57岁。
  杜利小时候因患小儿麻痹,身体部分瘫痪,但凭着不懈努力,于1977年他35岁时出了首张专辑《新靴子和新裤子》(New Boots and Panties),他和乐队The Blockheads大获好评,专辑在英国排行榜上停留一年之久。

断线 8


  Upon the death of his father, Jake revisits the world he walked out on. Upon returning, he finds himself confronting all he has run away from, and all that he has become. His return is the catalyst that propels two relationships, four different people, into facing where they have become stuck. Each of them is faced with having to move forward, struggling between betrayal of ano...

迷失极乐园 3


  After one book that ended up in the remainder bins, novelist Byron Tiller's inability to pay the bills strains relations with his wife. Desperate for any kind of income, he meets Luther Fox, an Englishman who runs an exclusive escort service called Elysian Fields, and is offered a job.
  Hiding his new employment from his wife, Byron's's first client, Andrea, is married to a much...

末世纪火山 9


  ◎简  介
  1883年8月26日,位于印度尼西亚爪哇和苏门答腊之间的喀拉喀托火山 (Krakatoa)发生史上破坏力最强之一的火山爆发。在短短48小时内,上百条村落被摧毁,随之而来的海啸更淹没了爪哇和苏门答腊的海岸线,至少有3万6千人丧生。1930年湖中的火山口冒出一座新山峰﹐被命名安腊喀拉喀托(Anak Krakatoa)﹐意思是喀拉喀托的孩子,往后的70年间仍在不断冒升。