"Robert Askin" 共找到影视: 3 部
福尔摩斯在22世纪 8


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1999  

  Set in the 22nd century in New London, Inspector Beth Lestrade of New Scotland Yard is chasing grotesquely deformed French rogue geneticist Martin Fenwick, when she realizes that his companion is none other than the 19th century criminal mastermind, Professor James Moriarty (this is not the original Moriarty but in fact his clone, created from cells taken from his corpse, which...

TheBusyWorldofRichardScarry 10


  • 正片

  Busytown is a magic place whose residents -- mainly talking animals -- are ready to tackle problems and conflicts that arise. Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm, Bananas Gorilla, Sprout Goat and others participate in activities -- including fishing and camping -- and try to solve mysteries that take them from Busytown to far-away spots like Rome and London. And even when things are difficu...

泰山卡通系列 8


  • 已更新至39集
  • 2001  

  本影集承接迪士尼1999年的票房大作「泰山」,在里面泰山与猩猩家族们再次团聚,并担任起猩猩酋长哥查的继承人,成为丛林的领导人。身为森林之王,泰山了解自己不但要保护野生动物,也要防止「森林」本身被人类破坏。在泰山帮助珍妮认清所谓的「丛林」时,珍妮则教泰山了解人的口是心非,并要求他用盘子吃饭。他们两个不断教学相长,并在走向「文明」的路上,遇到不断的爆笑事件。 还有一群的动物们也回来了,包括:一对凶恶的豹子努努Nuru和西塔Sheeta,一只顽皮的狒狒Manu,还有无厘头的猩猩兄弟佛莱特Flynt和孟戈Mungo。这些动物们让森林热闹非凡,有时也会闹到泰山也受不了。 「泰山卡通系列」激励年轻的观众去探索周遭的世界,去感受发现的乐趣,以及把学习当成是场冒险。同时还希望引发他们对环保的重视,成为一个好的地球守护者。