"Sanda Codreanu" 共找到影视: 3 部
TheBalconettes 10


  Set in a boiling Marseille neighborhood plagued by a heat wave, the movie revolves around three roommates who gleefully meddle in the lives of their neighbors from their balcony. Until a late-night drink turns into a bloody affair. Sometimes gory, sometimes brazen, always playful.

àtesctés 2


  The story of a father and son who live in polar opposite worlds and seem to be constantly at odds. But life brings city-dwelling Anthony back to the side of Marcel, his ailing wine-grower father. Can facing their fears and contradictions help them overcome their differences

République 3


  10pm on a summer's evening. The sun goes down over the Place de la République in Paris. Lucie and Rio embark on an "urbex", descending into the city's abandoned underground networks. The two teens share their adventure live on social media. On a subway platform, two young lawyers are on their way to join some friends. They film themselves as they wait for the train. Nora and Dj...