"Terrance Dicks" 共找到影视: 9 部
神秘博士:灯塔求生 9


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1977  

神秘博士:腐烂之地 2


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1980  

神秘博士第十五季 1


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1977  


神秘博士:机器人 3


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1974  

  Can the Doctor, now in his fourth incarnation, recover from his post-regenerative trauma to save the Earth from Think Tank and their plot for world domination

神秘博士:莫比乌斯之脑 7


  Philip Hinchcliffe era
  The planet Karn is home both to a mystic Sisterhood, whose sacred flame produces an elixir of life, and to Mehendri Solon, a fanatical scientist who is using the remnants of spaceship crash victims to put together a new body for the still-living brain of the executed Time Lord criminal Morbius.
  When the Doctor and Sarah arrive on the planet, Solon decides...

Mindgame 1


神秘博士:五个博士 3


  The Doctor's past incarnations are taken out of time by a forbidden time scoop device. The fourth Doctor becomes trapped in the vortex but the others find themselves, together with a number of their old companions, with the fifth Doctor and his companions in the Death Zone on their home planet Gallifrey.
  Here they face a Dalek, a Yeti, a quicksilver Raston Warrior Robot and num...

降临地球:拍摄《太空来的先遣队》 1


  The making of Doctor Who: Spearhead From Space Episode 1 (1970), an iconic serial which relaunched Doctor Who (1963) as a colour series and introduced Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor.