"Tim Wolochatiuk" 共找到影视: 9 部
海上浩劫第二季 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2019  

  Stories of humans against nature, heroism in the face of catastrophe, and deadly secrets buried at sea. Witness some of the most harrowing shipwrecks in modern history, presented through immersive firsthand accounts of the disasters and marine investigations that followed. From cruise liners to bulk carriers to fishing boats, we look back on the final moments of these doomed ve...

海上浩劫第三季 9


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2021  

  Follow the investigations of shipwrecks caused by blinding fog, chemical explosions, snapping metal, and more.
  S3 E1 - Snapped in Two
  S3 E2 - Ignition Point
  S3 E3 - Fire in the Hold
  S3 E4 - Destination Unknown
  S3 E5 - Capsized
  S3 E6 - Towed Under

失乐园琼斯镇 6


  Jonestown: Paradise Lost was a 2007 documentary played on the History Channel about the final days of Jonestown, the Peoples Temple, and Jim Jones. From eyewitness and survivor accounts, the program recreates the last week before the mass murder-******* on November 18, 1978.

登陆朱诺滩 2


  Storming Juno is a landmark 90-minute docu-drama based on the true stories and events that took place on D-Day, June 6, 1944 at the Juno Beach, where Canadian troops stormed ashore to join in the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe.
  This important historical event will be told through the eyes of three young Canadians, Paratrooper Cpl. Dan Hartigan, who dropped behind enemy...

ImpactofTerror 6


绝处逢生-安地斯坠机事件 5


  • 正片

  1972 年10月13日,斯特拉·马里斯大学橄榄球队从乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚出发,前往智利首都圣地亚哥参加一场橄榄球比赛。飞机经过安第斯山脉时,突遇狂风和大雪。由于恶劣天气再加上飞行员操作失误,飞机不幸在位于智利和阿根廷边境的一个无名山脉上坠毁。机上45人中,有16人当场死亡。在随后的几个星期里,又有13人因受伤、雪崩或是饥饿而相继离去。三个国家的搜救队对这架搭失事飞机展开搜索,结果无功而返。他们怀疑所有乘客都已死亡,但是,幸存下来的乘客却在人类生存史上写下最悲壮的一笔。由于没有食物,也没有办法取暖,为了生存,球员们靠吃罹难同伴的肉度过了可怕的72天,最后得到营救。2002年10月 12日,14名生还队员还重返橄榄赛场,进行了一场被推迟了30年的比赛。

警网追追追 6


  They love the highlife - they just want you to pay for it. Watch as law enforcement officers pursue some of the world's most slippery white-collar criminals in On The Run, airing on Discovery Broadband and in High Definition (HD) on Discovery HD.
  In this high-sta...

我们曾是孩子 10

