"Petra Kelling" 共找到影视: 11 部
EinverlockendesAngebot 2


  Das junge Ehepaar Maria und Jan lebt zusammen mit seiner Tochter in einem kleinen Dorf in Thüringen. Nachdem Maria arbeitslos wird, nimmt sie eine Stelle als Kchin in einem Hotel im 300 km entfernten Berlin an. Liebesaffren auf beiden Seiten stellen die zu einer Wochenendbeziehung gewordene Ehe auf die Probe. Letztlich entscheidet sich das Paar füreinander und startet einen N...

凯瑟斯皮尔-俾斯麦在凡尔赛建立帝国 5


  150 years ago, the German Empire was proclaimed in the Hall of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles: a revenge on the defeat of Jena in 1806. From the battle of Sedan in September 1870, followed by the surrender of France to Prussia, to January 18, 1871, the date on which King William I of Prussia was proclaimed emperor, the unification of Germany was largely built thanks to Ott...

Meeresleuchten 8


  German TV Drama about the effects of an airplane crash on relatives and family.

EineguteGeschichte 2


  When Helga Landowsky discovers the broken jug in an antiques store near the German/Polish border, she wants to have it at any cost. But the old lady has reckoned without Jakub Lato. Because the antiquarian does not want to trade his ware for money. In exchange for the jug, he wants Helga to tell him a story. And a story she can tell. It is an experience from the second world wa...

小镇煤田命案第一季 3


  • 已完结
  • 2022  


一个承诺 8


五月的四天 10


  • 已完结
  • 2011  

  所有人都对战争感到疲惫,只有十三岁的孤儿彼得,想要证明自己是一个英雄,千万百计煽动两支部队。直到他意识到,真正的敌人早就潜伏在其他地方,而他所谓 的敌人,其实是如父亲般的朋友。

被祝福的事件 3


  New Year’s Eve, Simone decides to go out alone. The next morning, she wakes up in a strange car, next to a strange man. Few weeks later, she discovers that she’s pregnant. By coincidence, she runs into the stranger again
  – the handsome Hannes. She is surprised to find out that, contrary to her expectations, he’s actually happy about her pregnancy and wants to live with her. Cou...

希望与反抗 6


  1943年2月,残酷的斯大林格勒战役呈现出胶着态势。在慕尼黑,地下反战组织白玫瑰的成员们正在加紧印发传单,其中索菲(Julia Jentsch 饰)与汉斯姐弟两人为响应不久前女学生们的行动,计划将传单散发到大学校园内,两人冒着极大风险进入学校,在散发完毕时不幸被捕。盖世太保摩尔负责审讯索菲,姐弟俩按照事先商定的串词,拒绝承认自己与反战传单有关,并几乎可以无罪释放,但纳粹的搜查发现了新的线索,形势急转直下,索菲开始将罪责揽到自己身上以掩护同伴们,经过反复的交锋,摩尔开始对这位坚定的女青年产生了些许理解和同情,但等待索菲的,终究是一场封闭的不公平审判……

黑人,黑人,扫烟囱的 4


  电影改编自真人真事,Hans Jürgen Massaquoi 的童年在汉堡的亲身经历。Hans Jürgen(母亲,德国人、父亲,黑人)幼年、少年在第三帝国时期长大,当时纳粹对犹太人实行了种族灭绝,作为黑人的他也受到了种种歧视、限制。

DieFrauimrotenKleid 4


  • 正片