"Priyanka Boghani" 共找到影视: 11 部
特朗普的控制 2


  President Donald Trump's time in office has been marked by ongoing turmoil - including in his own Republican Party, where presidential tweetstorms, inflammatory rhetoric and high-profile dissent have fueled open conflict. In Trump's Takeover, FRONTLINE's acclaimed political team tells the inside story of a president who vowed to take down the Washington establishment, and who h...

TheGangCrackdown 2


  Some 25 dead bodies have been found on Long Island since 2016, all linked to the violent gang MS-13. Numerous immigrant teens are missing. As law enforcement tries to stop the gang, FRONTLINE goes inside the crackdown - investigating how the slew of gruesome killings led to many immigrant teens being accused of gang affiliation and unlawfully detained.

美国爱国者:民兵武装与联邦对峙 7


  Examine the violent battle between a ranching family in the West and the federal government. See how a fight over land became deadly, invigorated a wider right-wing anti-government movement and continues to challenge prosecutors and law enforcement.

美利坚分众国-下部 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2017  

  PBS的 前线栏目播出的纪录片《 美利坚'分'众国》讲述奥巴马以团结美国的号召参选总统,卸任时美国更加分裂,期间发生的种种事情。
  1 先说说译名, 真正意思是'分裂的美国',但片名DSA实际是USA的改写,这么翻译是为了切这个意思.
  2 特朗普就是奥巴马的完全反面.他的当选正好说明这种分裂加大的结果.
  3 2008年共和党惨败,决定采取不合作态度,才能挽回局面. 这使奥巴马步履蹒跚.
  4 传统的共和党在党内已经不再独大. 新共和党议员为翻盘,基本选的都是茶党类似的保守派.
  5 美国国会的夏季基层探访实际起到相当的作用.
  6 2008年副总统候选人佩林 成为茶党领军人物.
  7 奥巴马对医保通过向本党议员施压妥协竭尽全力,结果导致其中很多以落选作为代价.
  8 主要法案共和党全投反对票, 使奥巴马的团结梦破灭.【水山字幕】

美利坚分众国-上部 6


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2017  

  PBS的 前线栏目播出的纪录片《 美利坚'分'众国》讲述奥巴马以团结美国的号召参选总统,卸任时美国更加分裂,期间发生的种种事情。
  1 先说说译名, 真正意思是'分裂的美国',但片名DSA实际是USA的改写,这么翻译是为了切这个意思.
  2 特朗普就是奥巴马的完全反面.他的当选正好说明这种分裂加大的结果.
  3 2008年共和党惨败,决定采取不合作态度,才能挽回局面. 这使奥巴马步履蹒跚.
  4 传统的共和党在党内已经不再独大. 新共和党议员为翻盘,基本选的都是茶党类似的保守派.
  5 美国国会的夏季基层探访实际起到相当的作用.
  6 2008年副总统候选人佩林 成为茶党领军人物.
  7 奥巴马对医保通过向本党议员施压妥协竭尽全力,结果导致其中很多以落选作为代价.
  8 主要法案共和党全投反对票, 使奥巴马的团结梦破灭.【水山字幕】

前线:**大流行 3


  An investigation into the government response to the coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19, and how the outbreak impacts poor children in the Midwest.
  (Season 38, Episode 17 of the PBS series Frontline.)

记录仇恨:美国新纳粹 8


  Exposing a neo-Nazi group that has actively recruited inside the U.S. military. An investigation with ProPublica shows the group's terrorist objectives and how it gained strength after the 2017 Charlottesville rally.

脸书囧境(上) 3


  Original interviews and rare footage show the challenges facing Facebook and its response to charges of disrupting American politics.

脸书囧境(下) 8


  Original interviews and rare footage show the challenges facing Facebook and its response to charges of disrupting American politics.

特朗普的摊牌 9



前线:麦凯恩 1
