"David Espar" 共找到影视: 5 部
美国历史第三季 5


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1990  

拉丁音乐 7


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2009  

KlansvilleU.S.A. 9


  Investigate the reasons North Carolina, long seen as the most progressive state in the South, became home to the largest Klan organization in the country, with more members than all the other Southern states combined, during the 1960s.

Rock&Roll 6


  Rock & Roll - Public television's 1995 epic 10-part documentary mini-series traces the history and evolution of rock and roll music, from its rhythm and blues, country, gospel and jazz roots in the early 1950s, through the advent of folk rock, soul, psychedelia, heavy metal, glam, funk, punk, and reggae, to the emergence of rap in the early 1990s.
  Episode 1
  Renegades travels so...

科学奥德赛 4


  美国公共广播台(PBS)是一个全国性的非商业性科学文化教育电视台,也是我看得最多的一个台。我主要是看它播放的科普和历史节目,多是精品。大约两年前曾看过它的一个五集节目《科学奥德赛:百年发现》(A Science Odyssey: 100 Years of Discovery),在世纪之交对一百年来的科学技术进步做了趣味盎然的回顾。在我看来,“跨世纪”的唯一意义就在于此,让人有个机会回顾历史。一集约两个小时,连续播放,所以那几天晚上,我就几乎不干别的事了。最近在伯德斯(Borders)书店看到该电视剧的伴随读物、一本同名的印刷精美的硬皮书在降价销售,便买了一本。我经常到伯德斯书店去,原因即是新出的硬皮书过一段时间后就可在那里降价买到。美国硬皮书的纸质、彩印之佳,可谓举世无双,但是定价颇贵。比如这一本316页短16开的书,定...