"Jeeva" 共找到影视: 11 部
UllamKetkumae 1


Sudigaadu 4


  Shiva is separated from his parents when he is a kid. His grandmother brings him up. He keeps killing mafia people and falls in love with a girl who is elder to him by 24 hours. He has two aims in life. One is to find out where his parents are and figure out who don D - the biggest of all dons is. The rest of the story is all about how he accomplished his mission in filmy style...

大门封锁 10


  Four men form a gang with a plan of making a quick buck by kidnapping a rich girl for ransom. Not being prepared for unforeseen situation, they are forced to barge in and take shelter in a house and take the people in the house as hostages. Bad luck strikes them when they get to know that the father of the kidnapped girl has flown out of the country the very same day.The kidnap...

CallingBell 7


  Newly married couple Karthik(Ravi Varma), Vyshali(Mamatha) leading their married life very happily in their villa. Suddenly Karthik realizes that she is not his wife, he is living with a ghost. Karthik with the help of Swamy(Gandhi) buried her in the garden . With out Karthik's knowledge Vishal (Naresh Kaveti) brother of Karthik and his four friends Riya(Vriti Khanna), Amar(San...

遗爱人间 9



DhaamDhoom 5


VandhaanVendraan 9


12B 3


狮,虎 6


神像奇游记 5


  一座迦尼萨神像在毗湿奴寺院的财产估价仪式上被盗,这引起了多个利益集团的纠纷。主人公苏利亚和拉维、巴努以偷窃为生,苏尼尔因被人追捕偷走了女主人公--身为记者的斯瓦缇的脚踏车,两人因此结识,谎称自己在惠普工作的苏利亚与斯瓦缇坠入爱河。黑帮头目杜尔迦派手下进行神像交易,可神像却被他的手下吉里私藏,知情的杜尔迦派人追捕吉里,吉里在忙乱中将神像扔进了斯瓦缇的手提包。后来,由斯瓦缇辅导功课的苏利亚的弟弟乔杜无意间偷出了神像并将其交给了苏利亚。只想到能牟利的苏利亚等人将神像以50万卢比的价格卖给了山卡。 杜尔迦按吉里的说法找到了斯瓦缇和苏利亚等人,苏利亚无奈说出愿意帮他们找到神像,谁知在寻找神像的路上,汽车被劫,斯瓦缇一行人趁乱逃离。神像最终归往何处?众多利益集团究竟如何结局?斯瓦缇和苏利亚一行人又会有怎样的发展?敬请观看电影《神像奇游记》。喜欢印度电影的朋友们可...

我们的友情岁月 4


  此电影翻拍自北印度2009年的由阿米尔汗主演的火爆全球,正在中国上映的《3 Idiots》。
  电影以两个好朋友Venkatramakrishnan,Sevalkodi Senthil在寻找多年不见的老朋友Panchavan Parivendan aka Pari的过程中展开回忆。Srivatsan是该部影片的反派角色,虚伪,功利,心眼不好。电影通过断断续续的倒序画面向我们讲述了Pari的故事。Pari是名聪明而又不拘小节的学生,他不随波逐流,特立独行,以自己的魅力成功影响了他的两个好朋友,帮助他们找到了自我,学会去追逐自己的心,抱着笑面吟诵Pari的名言“一切皆好(all is well)”的心态面对生活。Pari敢于对教育体制说不,经常打破陈规,与校长Virumandi Santhanam教授的名言“生活就是场比赛,加油去跑(Life is a r...