"Dercy Gonalves" 共找到影视: 4 部
ABaronesaTransviada 9


  Manicurist finds out she's the daughter of a rich baroness, and inherits her fortune. Now, she'll have to fight her mother's parents, with help from some of her friends.

绝对正确 8


  本片是巴西名导Anselmo Duarte的首部长片,后来他曾凭借1962年的《承诺》打开了巴西新浪潮通往世界的大门并获得奥斯卡最佳外语片提名和嘎纳金棕榈奖。但早在57年的这部处女作中他就已经展示出非凡的创造力了,本片被看成是对50年代巴西人生活各面的完美展现。YOUTUBE片段:
  A man who's memorized his town's telephone directory tries his luck on a TV Show. But a small group of people who control the bettings in town try to get advantage of his simple-mindedness.
  Very n...

米兰达夫人 4


  Ms. Violante Miranda is a bordello owner who raises a small girl as her own granddaughter. When she gets a little older, she is sent to study in Europe, and when she returns, she becomes a socialite, rejecting her previous milieu and her "grandmother".
  In 1932, in Sao Paulo, when the sick whore Rosita (Célia Coutinho) dies, the warmhearted former prostitute and owner of a borde...

亚马逊的咒语 1
