"冒险" 共找到影视: 17131 部
废弃建筑之谜第九季 10


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2022  

  The world's most incredible engineering projects are revisited to uncover why places full of mysteries and untold secrets are now abandoned ruins.
  1. Derelict Housing of Protest
  2. The Beached Leviathan
  3. Desolation of Ponte City
  4. Bangkok's Ghost Tower
  5. Ruins of the Nazi Resort
  6. Romanian Royal Desolation
  7. Ruins of the Zoo Fortress
  8. Hidden Hell of Angel Island
  9. Ghos...

深海之谜第二季 1


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2022  

  The deep-sea remains a dangerous & unexplored frontier, a place that swallows evidence and where the unknown is normal. Jeremy Wade searches for answers behind the world's most iconic & baffling underwater mysteries known to science.
  EPISODE 1: Shipwreck Of Nazi Treasure
  EPISODE 2: Shipwreck Ghosts Of Mexico
  EPISODE 3: Mystery Of The Ancient Battle
  EPISODE 4: Secrets Of The MS ...

废弃建筑之谜第七季 7


  • 已更新至11集
  • 2020  

  Our long-running series is now into its seventh season as we continue to travel the world to seek out and explore the mysteries behind some of world’s most extraordinary abandoned places. Bridges, prisons, military installations, even entire villages and towns… these and many more have compelling stories to be told and secrets to be uncovered.
  1. Into the Murder Labyrinth
  2. Am...

废弃建筑之谜第六季 3


  • 已更新至11集
  • 2020  

  Some of the world's most amazing engineering projects now lie in ruins. How and why These are the stories of the extraordinary people who originally designed them and of those whose ingenuity and brilliance is now giving many spectacular new life.
  1. World's Strangest Disaster Zones
  2. Swamp of Despair
  3. End Times on Lake Michigan
  4. Hell on Blood Island
  5. Florida Doomsday C...

DeadSeaScrolls:TheDoomsdayProphecy 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  Two thousand years ago, hundreds of Jewish rebels defied the mightiest empire in the world and turned history on its head. The famed mountain fortress of Masada, perched high above the shores of the Dead Sea, witnessed the final battle of the apocalyptic war between the Jews of Judea and the Roman Empire that tore Jerusalem down to its foundation. However, much about this final...

原始求生记第六季 3


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2022  

  Survivalist Hazen Audel faces soaring peaks and venomous spiders, as he tackles cloud-scraping mountain forests in his third extreme Amazon challenge.

科学透视第五季 4


  • 已更新至24集
  • 2008  

  《科学透视 第五季》的每一集都在探讨我们这个时代大谜团之一,研究飓风的结构,探索龙卷风的爆发,寻找遥远的行星,研究地球的大气层,深入探究各种迷人的自然现象。
  第1集 冥王星:新发现
  第2集 落基山脉
  第3集 雪球地球
  第4集 我们的大气
  第5集 火星:水的世界
  第6集 土星的秘密
  第7集 小行星警报
  Season 5 (2008), Episodes include…
  1 "Grand Canyon"
  2 "The Rockies"
  3 "Birth of America"
  4 "Birth of Life"
  5 "Pluto Rediscovered"
  6 "Our Atmosphere"
  7 "Snow Ball Earth"
  8 "Denali National Park"
  9 "Deadly Cyclone"

南非滋味第一季 10


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2017  

  Chef Matt Tebbutt is off to South Africa and he's about to have the food adventure of a lifetime. Discover the country's delicious diversity as Matt meets and makes meals with farmers, chefs, cooks and an assortment of other enthusiastic eaters and explores regional specialties, heritage recipes and contemporary culture in equal measure.

科学新发现 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2004  

  Naked Science是国家地理频道的一个专题节目,主要是关于一些科学现象,或者一些科学想法的分析以及检验。
  Naked Science系列节目,深入探讨当代最引人好奇的科学主题与谜题。根据全球最顶尖科学家的研究发现,本系列检视最新的科学发展与理论,并透过吸引人的感动故事、个人经验与最新计算机动画,栩栩如生呈现各种科学主题。

库斯托重新发现世界第一部 9


  • 已更新至23集
  • 1986  

  Oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau and the Calypso set sail to research far-off cultures and species of aquatic fauna and flora in another of the explorer's nature series, mainly in the Pacific Ocean and in the West Indies.

与摩根·弗里曼探寻神的故事第二季 3


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2017  

  Almost every faith has a figure its followers think was chosen by God. Muslims have Muhammad. Christians have Jesus. Jews have Abraham and Moses. Why do we rally around these chosen ones and how do they guide our faith Morgan Freeman goes in search of the chosen people walking the earth today, including an American boy from the suburbs who is believed to be the reincarnation o...

去你的撒哈拉 8


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2016  


珠穆朗玛峰:攀越极限第三季 10


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2009  

  It's a new season on Everest, the world's deadliest mountain, and more climbers than every have arrived at Base Camp ready to risk their lives to stand on top of the world. Huge avalanches tear down the mountain at 200 miles an hour and strike terror into the hearts of rookies and expert mountaineers alike; an amateur climber makes Everest history with a daring dash for the sum...

世界第一等 10


  • 更新至20231104期
  • 2005  

遥远星际第四季第四季 9


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2002  

  浩瀚的太空,飞行员约翰突遇意外事件,被宇航船抛出,陷入一个奇异的星际轨道。他穿梭1000个星系到达了一个神秘的星球,那里漂浮着地球传说中遥远的“摩亚方舟”飞船,飞船里有来自不同星球的成员,他们都是无家可归的人。约翰决定加入他们,并带领大家寻找地球道路但他们不曾料到,众多 的外星人和外星生物早已对地球航线虎视耽耽。