"剧情" 共找到影视: 156062 部
豪门本色 3


  • 已更新至45集
  • 2007  

  有「工商天王」之稱的「天朝集團」總裁顏向天(黃仲崑 飾)在外事業成功,在內擁有三房,大房金蓮(林秀君 飾)與向天無後;二房劉雪韻(金玉嵐 飾)有三子女,分別為家暉(張天霖 飾)、家揚(田家達 飾)、小曼(楚宣 飾),家暉是家族中長子,外界視為天朝集團接班人;三房紀霞(張馨月 飾)善妒多心擁有一女小娜(王俐人 飾)。
  自英國留學回來的家暉,原本要趕上妹妹小曼與周志森(王浩 飾)的婚禮,然而一場變調的婚禮,掀起一切波瀾,家暉用機智化解危機,更在婚禮上巧遇與花姨(葛蕾 飾)一同開花店的葉涵宇(梁又琳 飾),種下不可解的情愫與緣分,殊不知葉涵宇即是銀行界龍頭「太宇集團」董事長葉崇德(范鴻軒 飾)的千金。加上從小暗戀家暉的青梅竹馬穆超儀(徐潔兒 飾),及愛慕穆超儀的顏家昌(吳皓昇 飾),形成二代間難解的情感糾葛。
  顏向天還有一弟顏朝海(黃文豪 飾),並有一子顏...

东方大律师 9


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2004  


台北灰姑娘 8


  • 已更新至16集
  • 1996  


颍河故事 2


  • 已更新至18集


DieLeutevonZüderow 8


  • 已更新至7集
  • 1985  

  Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 04.01.1985 DDR1
  7-teilige Serie über die Arbeit der Abschnittsbevollmchtigten (ABVs), die versucht, schwierige Jugendliche zum Umdenken anzuregen.
  Gedreht wurde auf Rügen und Stralsund. (Text: Martin Eckermann)

重返伊甸园续集连续剧 4


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1986  

  Glossy Australian soap opera, where the beautiful, dynamic Stephanie Harper battles her enemies to gain sole control of the family company, Harper Mining Limited.

北纬55度第一季 9


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2004  

  A London detective moves to Newcastle after blowing the whistle on a corrupt colleague.

平静生活 5


  • 最新更新
  • 2003  

  Jake Morgan is murdered on his first day as a cop. A year later, we return to his family and discover how each family member is reacting and recovering from their loss, with Jake as our narrator. His mother has resumed her dream of running for office, his dad is trying to rediscover his love of life, while his brother Max is trying to find himself. Jake's two younger sisters ar...

安德森的一切 9


  • 已更新至16集


塔楼的阴影 3


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1972  

  A series of dramas by various writers recording the key events in the reign of Henry Tudor and his founding of the Tudor Dynasty

触摸邪恶(美版) 9


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2004  

  Based on the British crime drama of the same name, 'Touching Evil' centres around David Creegan, a detective returning to work after surviving a near-fatal gunshot wound to the head. Creegan is a man on the edge with a flair for understanding the criminal mind but also has a tendency to bend the rules when it suits him. When he is assigned to the Organized and Serial Crime Unit...

呼之欲出 2


  • 已更新至79集
  • 2003  

  British Channel 4 television series of films made for television by new directors and writers.

GrandeourseSeason1 5


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2003  

  路易斯-贝尔纳-拉普安特(Louis-Bernard Lapointe)是一位明星电视新闻记者,他的辉煌事业因为他对酒的嗜好而动摇了。他已经失去了肚子里的火,他毫无热情地去了魁北克北部的一个与世隔绝的小镇--格兰德-奥塞。事实上,不久之后,奇怪的事件,尤其是一个既美丽又神秘的女人,引起了Lapointe的注意,促使他进一步调查。

ShoeboxZooSeason1 1


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2004  

  Colorado-born eleven year old Marnie McBride is mourning the loss of her beloved mother as she settles into her new home in Scotland with her widowed father, who takes her to a run-down junk shop on her eleventh birthday. There, she is given a box of toy animals by a mysterious old man, which spring to life the next morning. She soon learns from these creatures that they are on...

女奴伊佐拉 4


  • 已更新至167集
  • 2004  

  Second version of the Brazilian soap opera of larger success in the exterior. Isaura is born in 1835, in Commander Almeida's farm, in Campos' city, inside the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. She is daughter of beautiful Juliana, slave of the Commander, and of the administrator of the farm, Miguel. Everything gets complicated in her life, when it goes back to the farm Mr. Le...