"加拿大" 共找到影视: 12515 部
布偶奇遇记第四季 6


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1986  

AtomicBetty 4


  • 已更新至60集
  • 2004  

森林泰山动画版 2


  • 已更新至18集
  • 2007  

鲍伯与玛格丽特第一季 2


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1998  

  Bob and Margaret is a Canadian/UK/American animated television series that is also shown all over the world. The series was produced by Nelvana, a Toronto animation studio, and created by Canadian David Fine and British Alison Snowden. The series was based on the Academy Award winning short film Bob's Birthday, featuring the same main characters, which won the Best Animated Sho...

布偶奇遇记第一季 6


  • 已更新至24集
  • 1983  

  Doc and his dog Sprocket have a hole in their wall, behind which live little furry creatures known as Fraggles in a place called Fraggle Rock. The Rock is also home to the Doozers (who are knee-high to a Fraggle) and the Gorgs (who are giants that think they rule the Rock). One gang of Fraggles (Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red), under the guidance of the all-knowing Trash...

小小欧里的世界 2


  • 已更新至53集
  • 1998  


CirqueduSoleil:Solstrom 5


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2003  

  A 13-episode series using various acts from Cirque du Soleil shown on Bravo. Each episode has a different theme, re-imagined in an entirely new way. Filmed in Montréal in 2003.

西部秘史第一季 7


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2020  

  Most of the history behind Canada's West has become legend or forgotten over time. This 13-part series unearths to shine a light on the legendary heroes and villains that shaped the Canadian West in ways no viewer has seen before. Each half hour takes the viewer behind the stories to look beyond the legends and explore the mystical and metaphysical influences behind these notab...

奇才杰克 2


  “奇才杰克”讲述的是一个10岁的叫杰克的小男孩的故事. 他喜欢职业摔交,冰球和间谍.他叫Jacob Two Two的原因是因为他很多时候说话都要说两边才能让其他人听见.他有一个职业摔交的朋友.他是他们家5个兄弟姐妹里面最小的一个.他在学校里经常被3个人欺负.他在学校的冰球队里担当守门员的位置.他最喜欢的冰球队是Montreal Marvels.他还经常照顾他邻居家的hamster.他经常闯一些小祸但每次都能解脱.
  Based on the literary property by Mordecai Richler, the animated series Jacob Two Two revolved around a young boy named Jacob, who'd earned his double-digit nickname becau...

ToadPatrol 1


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1999  

  Toad Patrol is a Canadian television series which debuted on Teletoon in 1999. The series ended with its second Season in 2002, but continued airing on ToonDisney (the former Disney XD) between 2002 and 2003 with reruns until 2006. It also aired on other international channels, such as the Spanish network Telefutura now known as UniMás (Patrulla de Sapitos), via both network an...

男孩和冤家猫 5


  • 已更新至52集
  • 2008  

忙忙碌碌镇第一季 10


  • 已更新至39集
  • 2007  

  Childrens' show based on the classic works of author and illustrator Richard Scarry centers on six characters solving the mysteries of everyday life in an imaginary place called Busytown.

花生漫画短片 8


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2008  


小鼠一家亲 7


  • 已更新至39集
  • 2000  

  神奇的爱德华王子岛是老鼠们的天国,小老鼠艾克哈特就生活在这片乐土。它继承了父亲的血统,是一只快乐勇敢,对世界充满好奇并喜爱探险的老鼠。 爷爷托米斯、妈妈克拉拉和妹妹玛薇丝,对他百般呵护、。可是对周围世界充满好奇心的艾克哈特,一心要去寻找属于他自己的一片领地。艾克哈特在这欢乐的大家庭中挑战自我、从中领悟了一个个生活大道理。 它原本很讨厌臭鼬身上的味道,拒绝和它交朋友,但是当恶猫想吃它的时候,竟然是它讨厌的臭味赶跑了天敌,于是它明白不能鄙视别人的缺点,而缺点有时还可以转化成优点,相信自己才是实现愿望的真正秘诀…… 小哈特就是在这充满未知的奇妙经历中,逐渐学会了进取、友爱、真诚等美德。而这正是这部动画片想带给中国小朋友的。 由于该片的创作在思想性和艺术性上均达到了较高的水准,自问世以来,在欧美、香港等地区也倍受青睐,曾经在众多国际知名动画节上多次获奖,包括...

小乌龟富兰克林第一季 2


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1997  
