"巴拿马" 共找到影视: 48 部
足球短片集 8


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  • 2014  

  来自于世界各地有关足球的短片集合。"Short Plays"汇集了33位著名导演的短片作品。完全的自由创作,一个短篇最多5分钟片长,尽可能少的对话,而且只有普通人而不是职业演员来出演,从导演们所在的国家传递出原汁原味的内容。包括纪录片、动画在内等多种创造型方式来展现足球。这是一场电影的世界杯。

1美元-生命的价格 6


  This story tells about daily violence inside the ghettos of Panama. Three main characters: LATIN FRESH music band; a clerk who collects corpses on Panama streets; and LOLO, the leader of CRAZY KILLER one of the most dangerous gangs of Panama.

AcapulcoSunset 9


  ACAPULCO SUNSET is a detective movie set in the 80′s in Acapulco. Matero Osorio, the best criminalist of México is called upon a case that happend in federal waters. The corpse only had a purple swimsuit, made by the world renown designer, Armando Santanaya. Mateo Osorio gets trap in a world of corruption, lust, and vengeance.

沙滩上裸体 5


DonaireyEsplendor 9


  She (Donaire) belongs to one of the most important dynasties of carnival queens in Down Street, and he (Esplendor) is the only son of the most influential queen in Up Street. In the best style of Romeo and Juliet a war that started when both their mothers were queens is revived by the new love born between them. Every year, both streets invest 360 days preparing to beat their r...

正义事业 4


  In the early morning hours of December 19, 1989, President George Herbert Walker Bush ordered the United States Army to organize a cautiously deliberate and well-accomplished attack that overwhelmed the Panamanian Defense Forces (FFPP) of dictator General Manuel Noriega. The goal was to reestablish the democratically elected government of Guillermo Endara and arrest Noriega on ...

木村 5


  Armando Carrera, a former fighter, returns to Panama seeking forgiveness from his brother Alexander. Manfredo, his former fight promoter who has an outstanding debt wants Armando to fight again. Armando promised not to fight again, but for unexpected incidents, force him to have to retrain and participate in the tournament, where the brothers will have to face the forces that s...

月球路线 6


DollarMambo 10


巴拿马运河3D:陆地分开,世界联结 8


  Through the magic of 3D and IMAX cameras, audiences everywhere can take a mind-blowing trip through one of the seven wonders of the modern world in PANAMA CANAL 3D: A LAND DIVIDED A WORLD UNITED, revealing not only its vast scope, but plunging down into the locks and mechanical operations, boarding the giants sailing the Canal, gliding airborne over the entire country, the Pana...

库纳雅拉的第三性 9


  此紀錄片以四位巴拿馬的原住民庫納族(Guna People)為主角 —— 湳丁、伊尼絲、羅塞里奧和黛布拉,分享著她們身為第三性者(Wigudun)的生活日常。西方文化中傳統家庭價值觀(一男一女)的引入,使他們族裡長久以來的傳統文化面臨「被消失」的困境。身為第三性者的他們,更需要自主建立社群以維護他們該有的權益。

Empleadasypatrones 1


  The front doors of the expensive houses and apartments in Panama, where families and their domestic staff sometimes live together for many years, hide a world of ignorance and prejudice. Maids and Bosses uses smoothly edited atmospheric shots and interviews accompanied by music to create a picture of the complex relationships between employers and their staff. A variety of wome...

潘基亚科 4


  PANQUIACO is a hybrid movie that mixes documentary with fiction. The film was born from an investigation of oral history, myths of indigenous characters before colonization, and forgotten figures of Panamanian history. For many native groups, the meaning of the sea goes much further, the sea is the place of origin, what we are and where we come from. The poem of creation accord...

卢宾·布雷兹不是我姓名 3


  拉丁美洲偶像Ruben Blades是1970年代纽约Salsa革命的中心。他充满社交气息的歌词和爆炸性的节奏为国际观众带来了Salsa音乐。Blades赢得了17项格莱美奖,在好莱坞演戏,从哈佛大学获得法律学位,甚至竞选他的家乡——巴拿马的总统。他住在纽约,在那里他与家人分享生活,并带着相机参观。备受好评的导演Abner Benaim带领我们踏上了Ruben五十年的职业生涯,揭示Ruben可能仍有音乐和政治野心。这部电影是对这个活生生的传奇人物的庆祝,也是他为了与他的遗产达成协议的努力。

专栏25 5


  The film is about letters that were written by the men who built the Panama Canal.