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在马拉喀什遇见圣罗兰 3



NarcisoemFérias 1


  On December 13th, 1968, the Brazilian military dictatorship passed Institutional Act Number Five (AI-5), and it marked the beginning of the regime's most repressive and violent phase. Two weeks later, singer-songwriter, Caetano Veloso, was arrested. He was taken from his So Paulo home to Rio de Janeiro, where he was shut in solitary confinement for one week and ultimately impr...

在巴西遇见凯斯·哈林 8


  街頭塗鴉大師、普普藝術奇才,凱斯哈林這位不凡的藝術家在他短暫而輝煌的生涯中,大部分時間穿梭在全球數十個城市創作與旅行。他在伊列烏斯受到當地景觀和人們啟發,創作出許多的作品。他的畫是一場表演留下的紀念品,不只是一個藝術作品。「Pop Shop」,哈林是第一個有自己商店販售他作品 T 恤的人,他顛覆了藝術市場,由自己控制藝術商業化的方式。

一个七十四岁的老男孩 9


我的兄弟扎凯奇 9


AllStillOrbit 4


  All Still Orbit links together two apparently unrelated moments in the construction of Brasília: the dream by an Italian saint used to justify its creation and a small city built by the workers constructing the new capital to house them and their families. How do you make sense of a city built on a dream Are all dreams made equal Sometimes a documentary can feel like a fairy ...

二月桑巴 4


  Mangueira is Brazil's most popular samba school. In 2016, it won the championship of the Carnival of Rio with a parade in homage to Maria Bethania, the diva from Bahia, who has a 50-year career and is Caetano Veloso's sister. The doc followed the creation of this carnival in all stages, from the first drawings and rehearsals to the construction of the allegories and the winning...

热图利奥·瓦加斯 3


  Documentary on one of Brazil's most controversial personalities: Getúlio Vargas, an ex-president.

异国的眼睛 10


  Fantasies and clichés about Brazil and Brazilians as reinforced by international films, even those actually shot in Brazil. This documentary features interviews with non-Brazilian directors, writers and stars who have been involved in some of those films.
  The nation of Brazil is a land of exotic beauty, where the sensuous rhythms of the bossa nova pulsate all night and glamorou...

垃圾广告大赏 8


  A mixture of documentary and compilation, this work is the fruit of lengthy archive research which aimed to find the most absurd TV commercials from Pernambuco. Memorable tapes from the 80s and 90s, characterised by a stylised vulgarity and sometimes naive communication. This film became a champion of pirated copies in the video stores in the country and abroad, even on VHS .

影像之屋 10


  Documentary about the end of neighborhood cinemas in Recife. Made in U-Matic, VHS and Super-8. Completion project of the UFPE journalism course held in partnership with Elissama Cantalice. Ivan Soares, the voice of 'Vinil Verde' is one of the interviewees.

竞技场中的哲学家 6


  A road trip into the realm of bullfighting with philosopher Francis Wolff, who probes his humanist views alongside this controversial practice which, as contradictory as it may seem, is also his passion, one whose days seem to be numbered.

互动 5


  Director Joao Moreira Salles and a small crew followed Presidential candidate Luís Inácio Lula da Silva's campaign in meetings, rallies, planes, TV debates, with his family, political allies and marketeers, from Sept.25 to Oct.28 2002, when he was officially elected President with 53 million votes, the first Brazilian President to come from the worki...

拾荒的女人 7


  Estamira is 63 years old and suffers from schizophrenia. She leads a tough life and has supported herself for the past 20 years by picking through garbage at the Jardim Gramacho Disposal Area in Rio de Janeiro. The film follows her starting in 2000, the year she begins treatment in a psychiatric clinic. At first, it is hard to understand her in her stream-of-consciousness sente...

普雷斯特的故事 2


  黑白纪录片关于20年代巴西叛军领袖普雷斯特(1898 - 1990)的传奇人生,在当时他与巴西独裁**斗争,被称为“希望骑士”。巴西著名作家Jorge Amado对他非常推崇,并在1942年为其写了一本同名传记。
  Brazil's history during the 20th Century serves as a background to Luiz Carlos Prestes's curious course. The Knight of Hope, as he was known, took part in the epic march of rebellious soldiers in the '20s, when he could testify Brazilian people's misery. After that, he bec...