"捷克" 共找到影视: 1453 部
秘密战壕 8



瓦耳兰狩猎日志 3


Stínohra 6


  • 译名:
  • 类别:惊悚  
  • 语言:

  Written by Vendula Bradáová, Slovakian actor Milan Ondrík (read the interview) stars in the leading role as Jan, a man who leaves his wife (Dominika Morávková) who herself will soon become the victim of crime. Jan turns into a widower with the full awareness that he is responsible for his wife’s death because he did not help her in a critical moment. He hides from guilt in a l...

Hadípohledy 8


Clarimonda 9


  Student settles in a hotel where three people recently committed *******. These unpleasant circumstances give him an opportunity to stay in the hotel for free. Everything goes well until he sees an unknown lady in a window

俏语情谜 5


  Matěj works for a farmer and is in love with his boss’s daughter, Majdalenka. But the greedy man drives him out. Matěj makes his way as far as the royal castle, where a grand contest is being held for the hand of Princess Rozmaryna. Whoever solves three riddles will have her hand in marriage. Matěj is a clever lad, and the princess’s tasks are as easy as pie for him. The king g...

DerBristlos 6


派特和麦特:造新房 2


  Buurman and Buurman have a new house but everything still goes wrong.

Jaksekrotíkrokodyli 3


花花公子弗兰克 9


鲶鱼夏天 2


  • 正片

Bonyaklid2 6


Waterloopocesku 1


  Manelské povídky, které Vít Olmer psal pro asopis Playboy v době, kdy jeho éfredaktorem byl Arnot Lustig, mají v sobě vtip, asto a absurdní pointu a nezapou, e autor je bedlivym pozorovatelem ivota kolem nás. Pět z nich vybral pro svojí novou eskou komedii, jejím spolenym jmenovatelem se stal herec Jií Krampol, hlavní pedstavitel kadé z nich.

TheHeritageofMissInnocence 1


  • 正片

  Martin Huba a Simona Staová v hlavních rolích groteskní komedie o naplnění jedné absurdní závěti. Podle G. de Maupassanta a K. Goetze napsal J. Krejík (2003). Dále hrají: M. Kaluíková, L. Píkazky, F. ehák a dalí. Kamera J. ajmovi. Reie J. Krejík