"澳大利亚" 共找到影视: 4910 部
成为玛丽莲 3


天使们:踹开大门 7


  The Angels came hurtling out of Adelaide in the 1970s with the searing guitar sound of the Brewster brothers and Doc Neeson, a frontman who was beyond intense. Their songs remain etched in the DNA of this city: Am I Ever Goin’ to See Your Face Again, Take a Long Line, No Secrets. They worked their way up, developing an unmistakably unique musical style. By 1978 they were a behe...

Slim&I 5


澳洲婚平记事 6



FireFront 1


  Through first-hand footage from those on the ground, FIRE FRONT puts the audience directly on the frontlines of Australia's most devastating bushfire season, delivering a uniquely powerful insight into a disaster that captivated the world.
  In Australia, during the Summer of 2019/2020, the world's eyes are fixed on the nation as it is ravaged by bushfires. Massive areas of the c...

Aftermath:BeyondBlackSaturday 3


  Ten years after the deadliest bushfires in modern Australian history ripped through Victoria killing 173 people, this landmark documentary reveals how the survivors of Black Saturday found the strength to rebuild their lives. Out of the ashes of one of Australia's worst natural disasters, emerges a film not about death and destruction but about the tenacity of life and the extr...

从一块变质的三明治说起 7


  A celebration of the inspirational artworks created for Kaldor Public Art Projects over 50 years.

海洋奇幻之旅 1


  本片跟随座头鲸历经一段将近5000多公里的旅程,仿佛身历其境的体验这汹涌洋流的探索过程。 洋流调节着我们地球的气候,维持着大量海洋生物的生命与活力,而这些海洋生物使大气中各种气体保持微妙平衡。 座头鲸妈妈每年在澳大利亚大堡礁外温暖的热带水域度过冬天,生育并照顾幼鲸,让幼鲸逐渐发育,并有足够的体力在接下来的数月里,借助着东澳大利亚洋流再游向南极冰封的海域,此时科学家们正在努力研究东澳大利亚洋流,他们也试图了解洋流是如何在海洋中创造生命的。
  现今,科学家们正使用3D绘图技术来仔细观察海底,对于隐藏在水下的世界,已能慢慢探查到海底山脉的面貌和海底火山景观了。 当洋流冲向海底山脉时,就会产生一种所谓的上升水流,将营养丰富的深层水被推升到了海面。 上升水流推动了浮游植物的生长,这些浮游植物构成了世界各地海洋食物链的基础。 洋流也是数百万海洋生物的摇篮,有的生物...

殡仪员之死 4


  Death of an Undertaker follows the story of Sparrow, a twentysomething who is tasked with exhuming a 20 year old corpse as part of his work in a Sydney funeral home. Filmed over 7 years and initially conceived as a documentary, the film is a blend of fact and fiction, interweaving documentary footage from years past with fictional material filmed entirely in the early weeks of ...

海狮:带须的生活 7


  Between a jagged cliff face and a roaring ocean, lives a colony of Australian Sea Lions. In an environment equally as harsh as it is beautiful, be immersed in a classic coming of age tale guided by one of Australia's most unique, intelligent, and playful animals. Take an intimate journey inside the colony where a life of great intimacy, tenderness, and clumsiness, must often gi...

澳洲天黑以后 9


  Australia After Dark, an expose of Kings Cross strip clubs and shady sexual liaisons in back-rooms. This is the seamy side of the early 70's in Australia, and sexy segments include burlesque striptease, body-painting, snake-eating, mud-wrestling, a gay wedding, and Satanism.

《淹没》幕后 1



袖珍影院-目录 3

