"芬兰" 共找到影视: 2998 部
Pikkupojat 10


重金属囧途2 4


  IMPALED REKTUM in jail and with an offer to play Germany's Wacken Open Air festival. Unprepared and imprisoned, the band refuses the festival slot. However, the guitarist's father goes ill and is in dire need as the family home and slaughterhouse are about to be demolished. Cue the music: time to get out of jail!
  IMPALED REKTUM 的成员们在狱中被关了几年,突然接到邀请参演德国的瓦肯露天音乐节。乐队在没有准备和身陷囹圄的情况下,回...

Hiritekij 8


  A series of absurd comedy sketches seemingly without a common story.

Pakoja&haaveita 1


  Getaways & Dreams is a story about encounters, collisions and awakenings, taking place during one summer day, on a road, and its nearby surroundings. Through an original non-linear narration mixing realism and fantasy, drama and comedy, the Finnish director of Egyptian origin, ponders on life’s inevitability in its many different shapes. We follow nine characters in their cars,...

古稀情缘 7


  A warm-hearted comedy about superstar singer Seija Kuula who is trying to cope with her career, age and love. Seija (70) falls in love with a younger guy; love does not care about age, but often the world around does.

瑞米和罗帕宁 4


  根据 Armas J. Pulla 的书改编,讲述两名悠闲的士兵在冬季战争期间休假,在回家的路上,遇到了一个名叫朵拉的女孩,她可能参与了有害的间谍活动

活屌之夜 2


  A horror comedy about a woman who, fed up with getting dick pics, finds a pair of glasses that reveal which men are actual dicks - and the dicks are not happy about it.

看不见的斗争 7


  Nhtamatu vitlus (The Invisible Fight) is a kung-fu comedy set in an Orthodox Monastery in 1970s Soviet Union.
  Director's Note:
  Humour and sanctity. Black Sabbath and Gregorian chants. Rebellion and humility. The film binds these elements together like an orthodox iourodivy singing, an earnestly silly song of worship that extols anything can be holy.

RkjaRoiskis 7


  First family film from the director of The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic. In the small town of Mouthwater, odd things happen. All the holes, including the ice holes, are disappearing. Brothers Snot and Splash find out who is behind the mysterious hole thefts and save the world from collapsing into a black hole

Hirtettyjenkettujenmets 10


青涩年代 8


  13-year old Sofie has too much to drink at a party and falls asleep. The immature guys from her school take some compromising photos of her being drunk and knocked out and hands them out at school. Quickly she has a reputation of being easy and promiscious and her two best friends, Amanda and Emma, avoid her. She must learn to fight back and regain the confidence her dad has in...

ChaChaCha 9


UunoTurhapuronpoika 9


珍珠和猪 3


  When their bootlegging father ends up in jail, four twenty-something brothers need money to pay his debts to local crooks. Next, their 9-year-old half-sister is dumped on their doorstep by her prostitute mother. A karaoke set helps reveal that the little girl is quite a singer, just as a talent contest for children is coming up on national television offering more than enough m...

泡沫咖啡之味 6
