"苏联" 共找到影视: 4504 部
RazgromnemetskikhvoyskpodMoskvoy 6


  A number of frontline cameramen shot the footage used in this documentary of the Battle of Moscow, between October 1941 and January 1942,in which a people's war against the German invaders, whose atrocities are shown in graphic detail, is begun, with echoes of traditional Russian heroism and an appeal to save the country's religious and cultural monuments.

阻击希特勒的英雄之城:斯大林格勒 4


我们的祖国 7


  The film is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Soviet rule in Armenia

玛利亚·瓦茵诺娃之夏 6



伊戈尔和纳斯佳 10


  The first film by later acclaimed Russian director Aleksei Balabanov is a documentary about the legends of Russian Rock'n'roll. This was his graduation film.
  The retrospective show of this film took place on the Moscow presentation of an acoustic album ' Herbarium ' in year 2000.

运动,运动,运动 10


列宁格勒的前朝往事(1957年~1990年) 7


  Fifteen-part series from the life of the city. Hundreds of scenes from the life of the city. Thirty-four years of city life in a little over ten hours. The length of the film as such, Sokurov is multiplied on the calendar cycle of stories, trying to achieve and work towards the viewer's perception of a certain effect. This effect is defined as breaking and lifting it, the viewe...

走近南高加索事件 9


  Специальный выпуск ленинградской кинохроники Сокуров сделал оперативно, получив материал из Краснодара, где оператор снял митинг протеста матерей призванных в российскую армию ребят, направляемых в зоны межкавказских конфликтов. Вся лента — персональное кинематографическое воззвание режиссера к президенту Горбачеву и к власти, смысл этого воззвания распространяется не только на...

ПозывныеР1НН 5


  The film tells the story of Theodore foreheads, radio and eksperementatore with short waves.
  On the official site of Alexander Sokurov, unfortunately, no information about this tape.

简单挽歌 8


  “Simple Elegy” is simple in form — also, probably, is it simple in content. It is compiled from documentary footage shot in 1990 when Russia imposed an economic blockade on Lithuania. We filmed in the building which houses the Supreme Council of Lithuania and in the streets of Vilnius. There are two protagonists in the film, the People and the Chief of State: the Lithuanians an...

农地上的犹太人 3


  This documentary depicts the creation of collective farms for Jews in Crimea. It shows them building their houses, digging a well, and farming the land. This film is part of the Yuri Morozov Archive.
  Abram Room (1894–1976), director. Room had worked at a Vilna Yiddish theater, as well as with V. I. Meyerhold, before directing the 1925 short Evrei na zemle (Jews on the Land), fr...

十字街 8


  This film is included in the Latvian Cultural Canon.
  Seemingly simple and unpretentious, this is a truly impressive film, recipient of the European Film Academy’s prize. The quiet little street with its residents and their lives is like a raindrop that reflects the universe. This full-length documentary has received not only local recognition (award “Lielais Kristaps”) but also...

1980年第22届莫斯科奥运会闭幕式 3



苏联共青团:电气化的领导者 5


  The first audio documentary, in which stage the rally, first used the effect of direct cinema – Anthem of electrification, the establishment of electricity to the numerous examples of its use, the national anthem first five-year labor enthusiasm.

Разговорскоролевой 1


  Vija Artmane in a zenith of her fame and a woman with worked hands. An actress without makeup and without acting.