"西德" 共找到影视: 5056 部
向往未来 3


  《众神的战车》,又名《向往未来》,1974年由西德出品。影片对诸多远古历史之谜做出了“惊人的解答”,究竟是真理还是谬误、是事实还是诳语,成为几十年来人们争论的话题。 《众神的战车》的作者是瑞士人埃利希·冯·丹尼肯(Erich von Daniken),他认为金字塔、玛雅文明、秘鲁纳兹卡平原上的巨型图画等很多文明遗迹其实是外星人留下的,外星人不但很早就来过地球,而且在人类文明发展历史中起到了重大作用。 《众神的战车》因其大胆而独特的观点风靡世界,先后被翻译成32种语言,销量高达6800万册。不过该书在得到大量读者支持的同时,也遭受到了学术界的批评,很多学者对埃利希·冯·丹尼肯的理论不以为然。

团圆三部曲 5


拍摄《奥赛罗》 2


完全被忽视的女孩-丽塔·理查克生活中的一天 3



寂静与黑暗的时光 4


  Examines the use of Sinti in the making of "Tiefland". Gladitz' claim that Riefenstahl knew that they would be sent to Auschwitz.

MerryChristmasDeutschlandoderVorlesungzurGeschichtstheorieII 9


  In the early 1980s, Haitian filmmaker Raoul Peck studied directing at Berlin’s German Film and Television Academy and made Merry Christmas Deutschland oder Vorlesung zur Geschichtstheorie II as part of his studies, an atmospheric, lucid and politically astute essay in which the director’s signature approach to non-fiction that would flourish further in later works is already on...

JohnCage(1966) 9


苦涩与骄傲之地 9


  With the examples of Leni Riefenstahls "Tiefland" (1941) and "Fitzcarraldo" by Werner Herzog, Nina Gladitz pose a question about the responsibility of the artist.

马克斯·弗里施日记1-3 6


英国庞克风 8


  This sequel to PUNK IN LONDON charts the rise and fall of Punk into Ska, New Wave and the Mod scene. See Britain's explosive music scene in the late 70's via live performances and exclusive interviews.

IchbineinAntistar-DasskandalseLebenderEvelynKünneke 3


  The reactionary illusions and ideals to which Evelyn Kunnecke
  is bound prove to be more of a reality which have to do with
  criticism and consciousness than those of an emancipated pro-
  test songstress, who is most certainly just as much a cliche. I
  imagine the film "The scandalous Story of Evelyn Kunnecke"
  in the form of a show, which can be made in Evelyn Kiin-
  neckes apartmen...

恋人军队或性变态的暴乱 6


  The film, mainly shot in San Francisco, chronicles the rise of gay activism in the United States between 1972 and 1978 in the aftermath of the Stonewall riots and before the arrival of the AIDS epidemic. It explores, among other themes, the initial unity formed post-Stonewall era, splintered into numerous factions. The American gay liberation movement, strengthened by the assau...